5% really?

What is it blizzard you think a 5% flat buff hopes to accomplish.
For Beast Mastery:
You still failed to address the elephant in the room which are the pets. Animal companion is a terrible talent that exacerbates another problem that people are forced to work around with macros already in the pathing and AI. Animal companion still breaks about 70% of the time, its not a good talent, the concept of two pets should have stayed dead with legion.

It doesn’t address the representation issue already people will always stick to what performs the best and a 5% buff to a spec with other outlying issues such as absolutely sub par legendaries in the grand scheme means nothing and does nothing to address the problem.

Please stop with these flat damage buffs and actually reach out and try to atleast get an understanding of what’s going on because this tuning pass gives the impression to the mass you , blizzard still do not understand the deficit between the three specs, covenant tuning, and legendary problem.


Fixing things through outside sources like legendaries is terrible design. I’d rather the flat buffs personally. Not saying it fixes core issues just that fixing through legendaries is even more destructive as they will go away with patches


Blizz isn’t going to do more than a damage buff between major patches. I really think you’re expecting too much from a hotfix to be honest. They aren’t going to do more than simple fixes until a major patch.


Not enough meat on that bone Blizz


Thanks for the 5% for BM I guess, but, my testing has it closer to 15% behind MM, so, still another 5-10% to go at least before its competitive with another middle of the pack DPS spec, while there are still quite a few classes and specs well ahead.

Thats in a world where pets are constantly in play too, as soon as there is an issue with their pathing or their ability to even hit a mob, its falling further behind.

Also, there are some fundamental issues with skills and legendaries that needs to be looked at, oh, and the fact that only 1 covenant is even a viable option.


5% buff to the spec at the very bottom… but all the specs close to it at the bottom get buffed as well. So, we’ll do a bit more damage, but still be at the very bottom. Slap in the face imo.


Right, but 2 things.

  1. These changes aren’t live yet, they are just the proposed changes.
  2. Even if these are what turns out to be the final numbers, someone has to be on the bottom, and buffing 1 class at a time and just revolving who is on the bottom won’t change that. At least with these changes, the classes/specs at the bottom are closer to the top then they were before.
  1. Obviously, so giving feedback before they’re finalized can’t hurt.
  2. Being at the bottom in one aspect of the game sucks, but isn’t the end of the world. BM is currently at the very bottom in every aspect of the game. Raids, M+ and PvP. If you think that’s fair enough, we just have different opinions.

I mean wasnt mm bottom of the barrel in every aspect of the game in bfa. Literally it just flipped upside down lol.

BFA had very few hunters that played mm to get 12/12 mythic.
Almost 0 who got 2400+ in arena
Very few who even broke 20+ keys in time.

Yet it was still doable, since i was able to accomplish all of that.

Someone has to be last, but that doesnt make the spec bad if you truely enjoy bm then you can play it knowing you are gimping yourself about 10% dps over a mm hunter, there was a bm hunter in my guild who was really good at bm an still put out decent numbers despite the handicap.

MM wasn’t bottom of the barrel in BfA, it was just significantly behind BM. Overall, they were middle of the pack. The biggest complaint was that it was a really clunky rotation that wasn’t fun to play, so most people struggled to be effective with MM.


How you feeling with MM in rbgs? Feeling a bit more useless as time goes on and wondering if BM/survival might be better for base sitting. MM def pumps the dmg in team fights, and I like it much more, but just feel like I’m not playing base sitting right, or can easily get soloed by a few classes (rogue).

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surv an bm prob better base sitters, but as mm you just have to trinket first stun on you an run a pet that cant be sapped like undead raptor. personally i think hunters are garbage base sitters now when rogue can pop all cds get your trinket or you die an then vanish an come back later. or boomkin can covoke out of stealth an 1 shot you.


Yea been having a ton of issues with rogues basically complete countering me even if it feels like im playing the matchup correctly. thanks

Learn to Shadowmeld… oh wait…


I appreciate the bone being throw at Hunters, and I realized that nothing will get done between major patches, but they have to understand that giving 5% to a spec that is over 20% below the top spec is nothing (while this might be a bit of an exaggeration, it isn’t too far off). I understand that someone has to be at the bottom, but why the hell does the disparity between the top and bottom have to be so large (it always seems that way every expansion/raid tier, with whatever spec is at the bottom, the difference is always so great).

Band-aid fixes aren’t going to fix the inherent issues BM is facing.


So what would you have them do? Give BMs are huge 20% boost and completely up end class rankings and get every other class/spec demanding huge buffs as well?

No, the smart option is smaller more surgical buffs, that don’t completely upend the whole meta and then work on more substantial fixes in the background for patches.

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Since you asked… maybe they could actually grow a pair and start doing actually class balancing mid-patch. Fixing dead talents, buffing individual abilities, reworking under performing ones. You know, what just about every other game developer does each patch or hotfix. But no, that’s way too much to ask.

If a spec needs a blanket buff, maybe there are other things that can be done to it instead of just being incredibly lazy about it. That’s what I would have them do.

With a team as big as they have, and a large budget, they really drop the ball on some of the simplest things you can do to your game: actually class tuning. If only they spent the same amount of time tuning and fixing classes as they did with the Covenant Command Tables.

Oh and one more thing: you realize that BM got a nerf in the pre-patch, and hasn’t received any attention until now? Meanwhile, Assassination has had two buffs this expansion, that’s 10% flat buffs for a spec. This buff to BM only stands to rectify the pre-patch nerf, putting BM likely still at the bottom.


Name one game studio that actually does more than bug fixes and minor adjustments to classes outside of major patches. You are literally asking for a major patch worth of effort to be put into things not going into a major patch. That’s not realistic or even something that is done.

No one, but apparently my point didn’t come across correctly. I meant, Blizzard only ever does that during 9.X patches (for instance) and never deviates from that. There are only a few of those each expansion. But other companies will just have patches that are just class changes. Not every patch needs to be a major content update, and Blizzard can afford the manpower to release patches focused on specific things and not just do everything all at once.

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So you want them to have more balancing patches between content drops? That’s fine.