5% really?

Initial build of the ptr is out and I see there is nothing to address Beast mastery but hey let’s buff death chakram and not actually make anything else with necrolord relevant. because it’s not like this buff does anything for chakram already

BM really need another 10% baseline damage to make it viable. the damage is still terrible in PVP

For PvE, BMs sustained ST damage is decent enough(a few % behind MM).

The biggest issue is that BM lacks some burst, and especially AoE-damage in general + burst AoE. And BM also lacks cleave-dmg which is very useful for CN.

Something like below would go a long way towards fixing these issues(apart from ST burst).

The Focus-cost of your next Kill Command is reduced by 5 for every enemy you hit with Multi-Shot.

During Bestial Wrath, your next Kill Command will also strike all enemies who have been hit with Multi-Shot.


Maybe entirely a new AOE move. Maybe move over the call hawk pvp talent, or give us volley, or something of the sort. I would like another AOE button to press to be honest.

I would keep in mind, that data is only represents what spec a person is in when their profile was scanned. At a guess, there are likely a whole bunch of Hunters who Raid and Mythic+ as MM, and do pretty much everything else as BM.

Exactly, because if this game has taught me anything over 16 years is - sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug. Stick around long enough and you will see your spec rise and fall, rise and fall, it is Blizzard’s mantra to have players spec hop. It adds to the sub duration when you have to learn/re-learn new specs.

TLDR; play what you enjoy, fotm players are never happy.


The update is false advertisement. The dps increase is only 1%. People have done several calculations. It came up to 1%.


The reason so many are still playing BM is because in the mid-tier we are still strong. Most mid level groups have BM Hunters at the very top. If they buff BM across the board, we will dominate the meters in every Normal/Heroic raid and sub-12 Mythic+.

The issue is BM lacks potential in end game content and rated PvP. Without a substantial burst window, we are unwanted in those parts of the game. In high level Mythics and Mythic raiding, groups need specs with massive burst windows when needed.

PvP is currently all about the burst, so our representation in high level arenas is nearly non-existent. Sure, there are a few highly skilled players up there, but the skill required to push BM past 2k is so much higher than other specs/classes.

That being said, Blizzard is clearly not giving us proper buffs, because the issue is more fundamental than just an across the board damage boost. If they even intend to fix the problem, they will need to rebalance several of our abilities. Most likely make Aspect of the Wild burstier, and increasing the damage of Kill Command, but at the cost of reducing our damage on other abilities. Those types of changes “might” happen in 9.0.5, but it’s hard to say. That type of balancing would likely be reserved for a full patch like 9.1.

In the meantime, I’m hopeful they do more PvP specific tuning in the meantime, because we’re falling farther and farther behind. By the time we become viable in arena again, we’re going to be so far behind the climb is going to be that much harder. Constantly fighting players that maxed out their pvp gear while their class was busted OP.

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I’d add another layer to what you have said. Personally went BM because frustrated with mechanics constantly interrupting my rotation.

As such not going to go MM when I instead could go Fire and be top of the meters for the frustration. Am working on my fire mage and will probably swap once geared.

It’s complete horse hockey that BM best leggo is a generic for all hunters. And that POS requires you to get 2 flares per trap to obtain that DPS, which in turn screws with your rotation.

9.0.5 needs to make BM specific leggos’ better than class wide leggo, and improve our damage both ST and AoE


This and so much more. I despise Soulforge embers its mechanically absolutely horrible, it feels clunky and awkward on so many levels. on paper it seems cool but in reality its terrible but somehow the BIS leggo for BM, and frankly the other alternatives aren’t exactly spectacular options.

I like BM because its a spec that i’ve enjoyed since Mists but pretty much from Legion on since they kept pushing two pets down on people its become less enjoyable and more of a frustration to play. Marksman I do not like to play as I have never enjoyed the playstyle of Marksman the only exception when I have played this spec was in HFC when almost everyone was marksman because lol tier