5% really?

Will this 5% impact our pet damage too or just the strength of our abilities? If pet auto attack damage is unaffected, it’s really not even a 5% buff is it?

5% of nothing is still nothing.
These buffs are paltry when the other specs have absolutely insulting legendaries that do nothing to help prop the specs up in anyway. Soulforged for BM is a clunky piece of garbage nobody asked for and is some how the top performing legendary. BM still has the same pet problems since forever, and the other problems since legion with two pets. Survival has what still seems like an identity crisis. Blizzard knows what they’re doing and by refusing to address the crux of the problem they are only infuriating people especially those who have told them and reported the issues for months.

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Don’t worry. This is still alpha and the devs are obviously playing on an advanced version internally and we’ll see the real balancing at launch.


5% that blizz took away at pre patch and you want people to be happy BM hunters got it back. lol

you really want to buff BM going to take more than the 5% you took away.

I prefer to be behind/bottom of the dps list because of player skill than the horrible class/talent/coven balance.


wish we can tame elephants and panada in the game -_-

I hate the comment “WeLl SoMeOnE hAs tO bE At tHe BoTtOm…” why the hell does class balancing and class tuning exist then?!! That’s the most bs reasoning I’ve ever read and I read it a lot on these dam forums. Like “pLaY tHe BeTteR sPec…”” blah blah blah. I play the game to have fun and be competitive with the spec I enjoy.


I’d be happy if they fixed spirit beasts to make them BM hunters go to pet. Specifically, give spirit beasts a brez with an 10 min cd. Nerfing heals of Spirit Beast pets by 66% instantly stabled all these collected pets. Start by fixing our pets. Make some pets extra special like the fast wolf in vanilla. Give certain rare challenge tames a unique situational ability. Give us uber rare spawns to go after. We’re hunters. Let us hunt.


This one really hurt, once spirit beasts were gutted forcing people to take clefthoof for things like torghast and further removing any actual pet choice or variety (even with spirit beasts there was still variety to some extent)
Pets have been terrible since they gutted virtually everything with pets giving them three generic talent trees removing battle res and other pet utility/buffs (remember when hunters could supplement raid buffs with pets?)
Addressing this alone would be a small step atleast, never mind the fact the spec needs a rework.

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Again… do you expect them to make major changes in a hotfix? Because that’s never going to happen.

Because it’s impossible to perfectly balance all the classes/specs in WoW. If you want perfect balance then all specs and classes need to be replaced with 1 generic tank, 1 generic healer, and 1 generic dps. Only then shall you have perfect balance.

I don’t know what people expected. Blizzard literally said in an interview before SL launch that they would make conservative and small percentage changes between major patches. If you expected legendary changes and fundamental/big class changes…you just set yourself up for a huge let down.

People expected them to actually address the class in the beta and they failed to do so. And no nobody here expects them to make a sweeping change in a hotfix its just not realistic.

But, when the difference in performance for all 3 specs varies greatly, and their solution, is a stopgap number tuning to try to fix the problem while they still say nothing about the other two specs. That’s not acceptable either. I would rather see Blizzard for once actually reach out on these forums after a hotfix acknowledging the wide disparities in performance but perhaps offering an inkling of something coming down the pipeline.
people want communication, not stop gap fixes and silence, this addresses nothing and only serves as a temporary appeasement to those who play the dead specs


We can, indeed, tame elekks and mammoths now!

They’re one of the new pet families we got this expansion. :slightly_smiling_face:

agreed bro

They do that now.

They are called x.x.5 patches. MM’s Legion rework came in 7.1.5 as did Spriest.


Kill Shot is physical damage, which is reduced by Armor.

Hunter gets its execute back, to only have it reduced by armor. LOL

Looking over the thread, there’s quit a bit I agree with. The 5% buff is not very effective, like a bandaid on a gushing chest wound, but at least they are trying to address this. I’m trying to remember when two specs of the same class were sitting for consecutive weeks at the bottom of the dps charts for raiding, I don’t remember it, maybe rogue?

It seems like BM is far more dependent on having very specific haste/crit on gear than MM is with crit/mastery, and with the gearing system it is so hard to get the right gear without just spamming M+ non stop all week long. I’ve tried playing MM and I just don’t really care for it.

Don’t even get me started on animal companion as a talent, it is horrible. When main pet dies, the stupid thing should disappear, it doesn’t, therefore you are often times trying to recall the secondary pet and it won’t come off of what it is attacking, which doesn’t allow you to lose aggro when you feign death. Can’t use feign death on the second pet if your primary pet is dead. Then even worse, that second pet will come back to your side finally while you are feigning and suddenly you are no longer in feign death, you are standing up in combat with whatever that idiotic second pet is attacking. And even more fun, lately if I drop an ice trap, the second pet will still attack whatever I’ve put in the trap, breaking it out. Whew what joy when your raid team is relying on you to ice trap that shade of Borghast, and somehow it breaks free, and that irritating stat guy in the raid makes sure to let everyone know “it’s that hunter pet” which adds to an already frustrated raid lead when a BM hunter can’t hold much above 3k on some fights.

Feign death itself is a total mess and it started in BfA. Don’t know why blizz can’t seem to fix this to work right. I remember in previous expansions getting irritated because sometimes it took 5, even 10 seconds to finally drop aggro to where I could mount or get away from whatever I was in combat with. Now I just pray that I can actually get it to even work where it does not cause me to stand right back up again. And about 50% of the time when I feign myself first then try to feign the pet, it will trigger the play dead as though it worked, but my pet is still standing there, then lo and behold I’M ALSO out of feign death, and dying. Add to that the nerf on spirit beast (WTF BLIZZ???) and it’s a disaster in nearly every type of situation. I still fail to understand their reasoning… it isn’t as though we have a lot of self healing in the first place.

The BM legendaries… I honestly tried, for several weeks, to get soulforge embers to work. I have a huge post on wowhead about it. Multiple macros, different strats, but there are so many chances for it to fail, and particulars about the legendary that make it clunky. Added in with wild spirits it’s the equivalent of trying to toss out three traps, all while attempting to maintain your normal rotation. Miss just ONE initial or “clip” (catching flare on the back end of tar trap before tar trap expires) and you’ve just lost everything gained over Rylakstalker in the first place. Tying in Aspect of the Wild and Wild Spirits on a one key macro helped some (same 2 min cd) but in the end I just gave up on it.

I wish they’d go back to the drawing board and take what they learned in Legion and go with it with a legendary for the next big content patch. They took the benefit from Mantle of Command and baked it into the hunter rotation, which was amazing. They could have taken the interaction between primal instincts and dance of death and baked that into a singular effect of some sort on a legendary that would have had a much greater benefit to BM hunters than what we’ve got now. I feel so stuck relying on my CD’s being exactly correct before I use specific commands that often times I’m doing mythic+ clawing away at 3k dps knowing “okay okay this next pack is going to be tougher and I can get 15k just by tying all my CD’s together”. I know all classes have to deal with this, but come on, a 13k difference between when my big CD’s are ready and what I can scrounge otherwise is pretty bad. Come on come on wild spirits, please help me now, I’ve been sitting on my beastial wrath for 15 seconds. Hurry hurry. That’s me in a nutshell doing mythic+

I look at what Blizz has done and I wonder overall if they simply wanted to lower the number of people playing BM. I believe it was the most widely played spec but a fairly large margin in BFA. I tried looking up an older version of the class breakdown but I’m only getting everything updated for SL at this point. If that was their goal it certainly worked. Still more people playing hunter than any other class, but 55k MM (on the stat I’m reading) compared to 2.5k MM per the raid logs.

I know I’m writing a book here, I think part of the frustration is how foreign this territory is for most BM hunters. I don’t ever remember a time being rock bottom. Heck I don’t remember even being below average for all classes compared, and at the end of most given expansions BM hunters were rocking near the top of the charts. So it’s uncharted territory for a lot of us.


Same exact thing happened in BFA though. We started out strong, community QQed saying Herp a Derp pet does all the damage not fair and bam nerfed to the ground. Took probably the middle of the raid tier for this to be addressed, and we got a bunch of mini buffs to get us strong torwards the end of the expansion.

Literally every xpac does this. We start out strong, people whine, blizz has PSTD flashbacks about beastcleave owning BlizzCon, then bam meganerfed. They ALWAYS over nerf too. Everytime.

What I am trying to say is, this has been history repeating itself over and over for probably 3-5 Xpacs. Nobody learns. Same crap over and over.


I wish Blizz developers would consult with the class writers in wowhead and icy-veins, etc before changes are implemented. Do I think all this feedback is going to change what happens tomorrow? No.

I can’t disagree with this more. One of my biggest gripes is seeing incorrect information posted on the class guidance sections of those sites. It’s almost as bad as all those YouTube creators that make videos about classes they barely understand. They do it because they need content to monetize, but then we end up with a great many players following their advice and suffering for it.

As it is, Blizzard has shown a habit over the last couple years of seemingly following the advice of some of the bigger YouTubers. It’s like they don’t want to devote the resources to doing any actual testing themselves. Shadowlands seems to be an entire expansion designed around a few vocal content creators, which has left a huge section of the player base feeling robbed of valuable content.