5 O'clock Felcycle orb Battle pets

I agree with you.

I for one am NOT happy with orb 5 and have no desire to continue to progress.

You are forced into pet battling which has always been optional content.

Breaks my heart…i really wanted that bike.

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This worked perfectly, thank you! Just have to watch that monkey’s RNG, but otherwise it’s a great strat!

It is. You can literally join a party and get credit that way.

I don’t see you complaining about people who don’t do dungeons being forced to do Vault of the Wardens, for instance. Or the amount of mounts and toys required for orb #6. Or the people who didn’t play during BFA who are forced to go through a lengthy questline to get access to the BFA version of Vale.

The world doesn’t revolve around you and what you like.

For the 7 O’clock orb, download the addon StatueSolver. Makes it vastly easier.

Step 5 is the only step ive enjoyed so far so i guess just scrap the whole thing

I’m pretty sure the dev responsible said you can still get it after the anniversary event. Although I’m not sure how if you don’t get the limited time detective achieve. The torch can be obtained whenever already.

Edit: Apparently blizz will be implementing an alternative method of getting the detective title after the anniversary event ends.


Are you suggesting events should not have any PvE, PvP, or Pet Battle components so as not to offend anyone?

Let’s just have every event be a big red button we press for loot, so as to avoid offending. Wait, do you think we might offend with the color red? Maybe a blue button?

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This site is easier to use I think…https://ham.io/watcher-solver/

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Could be, I just used the addon because it is all in the game. So you can map out the statue layout in the game, map out the 25 spaces and press solve to get the right order statue to finish it.

Did it last night, took me 30 min because I kept zoning out but I got it done.

I couldn’t get that addon to work right for me…

Okay two questions…

1: is this so far soloble?

2: is this available after the anniversary event?

You need the Title Detective from the 20th Anniversary event …so far its been pretty much soloble for me …you also need specific pets at level 25 to do the Pet Battle…

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So once you have the detective title you’re set even after the event

Yup, grinded all the pets and leveled them myself. Using Spyragos,
Nelthara, Wicker pup ( I don’t have Bumbles yet ) this should be in and out, next, But no. The Blizzard Casino house always wins rule is ridiculous especially in a event that is limited to a certain amount of days. You cannot progress with the Orbs unless you win. There is no skill involved if you are playing a game that keeps moving a target around and around. I am fortunate to have the time to play several hours every day, and so I can’t imagine what it is like trying to progress or feel rewarded playing WoW for people who cannot put that much time into a game that is pretty much fighting against you to lose. The Casino rules in the game have to go.

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So the only three of these on the list I have are Taptaf, Bumbles and Sun Darter. Any chance of doing it with those three?

this guy did it with taptaf, darter and terky. Terky is super easy to get you just go out to borean tundra and click an egg in an underwater cave.

Sun Darter Hatchling - 2, 2, 2
Taptaf - 1, 1, 1
Terky - 2, 2, 2

1 - His Judgment (magic pet) comes in. I used Sunlight.
2 - Ancient Blessing
3 - Sleeping Gas
4 - he swapped in Honky-Tonk which was good as I was out of attacks (all on CD)
5 - Sleeping Gas
6 - Ancient Blessing
7 - Sleeping Gas
8 - Sunlight
9 - Sleeping Gas (Honky-Tonk initial death here)
10 - my Sun Darter Hatchling died here, I brought in Taptaf to finish off Honky-Tonk, Taptaf doesn’t have any strong attacks sadly
11 - Pig Out
12 - Hoof (Honky-Tonk died 2nd time here)
13 - Pig Out
14 - Hoof
15 - Hoof
16 - Hoof (Judgment died here)
17 - His Fezwick comes in and will do a stun on his initial attack, so use something that’s not going to be on CD. I used a basic attack
18 - pass (stunned)
19 - Pig Out
20 - Lick
21 - Pig Out (Taptaf dies here, bring in Terky)
22 - Flank (Fezwick died here)

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This worked, with one mod - using Bumbles as the last (since that’s what I had). They trick was doing it enough times where he switched to the tank while the Sun darter was out of moves. It then went pretty much as the above list and Bumbles finished off the monkey with no problems (Bumbles seems to be really good vs the monkey)

I might have 2 of those but definitely not at max level and i think they got rid of my boost i ised in wod for instant 20s

Only one i k ow for sure is baal

yea, because everyone gives a damn about the stupid battle pets enough to do some BS secret hunting.

Who wants to gift me a code for the red bike so I can be on with my day?