5 O'clock Felcycle orb Battle pets

Yeah took me 1-2 tries to get him back in DF :frowning:

What are you, a child? You think that childish come back is an insult? Mate, that is to be ignored

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Not true, the secret is divorced from the anniversary content currently in game and once you complete the detective puzzles there is no more looping back to the stuff being put forward. No need to do Chromie’s dungeon, kill old world bosses, do the raid, etc.

While the puzzle does appear to be a celebration of WoW’s history, it’s not really part of the anniversary event.

You…you do realize that by responding to me, you haven’t ignored me? :joy:

Bless you, you made my day.

Pats head

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Because I wasn’t ignoring you but the one who made the “wambalance” comment. I was telling you the reason why I didn’t feel insulted or a burn is because it was childish. Your comment is also very childish and self centered if you thought I was talking about you. It is called informing you.

First time having an actual conversation’?

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I got it first try with that website, thanks so much for posting it

So nothing from the anniversary is required for this bike? It’ll be there even after the anniversary is over?

i used Baal, Spyragos, Wicker pup. i know its more easy with Nelthara but i dont have an evoker in level 70

What is that and how does it level up pets?

just the title to get in the crypt
and the torch toy from the other event we had

What sim did you use? That sounds pretty interesting.

So it can’t be done after the anniversary?

it can if you get the detective title
every thing has you going to old zones and doing stuff

But still requires the anniversary. So people that don’t do the detective stuff are out of luck.

yes unless they remove the title to enter after the event

That would be ideal. I hope they do that. I may make an in game suggestion for it.

You’re missing the point. It’s a anniversary event and everyone should be able to enjoy it and get the items they want. There are people that don’t PvP, there are people that can’t stand doing Pet Battles. Then you have people that do not Raid. This game has a wide range of things to do.

This should have been for every player that logs into WoW to have fun.


There’s people who exclude themselves from almost everything. The one differentiator is pet battles require no mechanical skill or reaction. They are not in the same category as WoWs PvE or PvP combat.

The only thing stopping someone is their unwillingness to do it. Otherwise this entire puzzle is extremely considerate towards players who CANNOT do things. There’s no sound cues, no colour requiremets eliminating disabilities, no group requirements, no high level instance requirements.

Your welcome Hun…

We don’t know. You do need the torch toy and the Detective title to start on the puzzles.