5 most played races

i mean people have those for 20 years difficult to change the percentage

I play a Druid alliance so I dont have a choice. I dont want to be a worsen or a fat Kul Tiran, I have a race change just waiting for when druids get more races.

I hate blood elves and is the main reason I wont ever play a horde DH.

yeah but all 3 of those suck compared to lisa frank cats and dinosaurs

When they added elves there was a shift in the faction balance and Horde became the most player faction. Several alliance players changed to Horde to play Blood Elf.

Wouldn’t that start to change with void elf then?

I know at first, they only had the blue/purple skin but now that they basically have the regular high elf customization than I assume the elves that want to play alliance would just do that.

Anecdotally I knew a few people in HS who wanted to play horde but Fear ward and paladins were an utterly massive difference in PvE, and they swapped in TBC when it wasn’t an issue

Too little too late innit mate, 17 years later these people are already used to play Horde, with friends in the Horde.

Plus, Void Elves, really?

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People ask “why is stories so centered on Blood elves with Lort’hemar, Midnight etc” answer is simple.

The largest player base do play Blood Elves.


Goblin 100%
All other races 0%

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Wow, you mean the “prettier” races are more popular with the game’s playerbase? Who would’ve guessed
 Obligatory /s.

This is why dwarves need a better stoneform, 30 sec cd and castable on party. I’m sure priests wouldn’t mind ^^

It’s always been that way since TBC, lol. It all started with The Lord of the Rings, the beloved character Legolas.

The numbers look close to true.

Elves combined being about a third of the population makes sense. Nightborne aren’t listed and would boost that up a bit.

To be fair, Elves have a class all to themselves - Demon Hunters. If Demon Hunters were opened up to Orcs and Draenei, or all other races, that would likely reduce the Elven numbers.

This is a circular drain effect. Majority players play this>so we give it more lore and cosmetics>which draws more people to it and away from others>which leads to a greater majority playing.

Seen this stuff happen in so many games, LoL I think is one of the biggest offenders as they try to keep the pretty characters with dozens of skins to sell in the top tiers. Then you have characters like Urgot the moment they get put in the meta for being a sleeper they get heavily nerfed and sent back to low tier.