5 most played races

Blood Elf: 15,2%
Night Elf: 12,1%
Human: 10,9%
Orc: 6,8%
Turen/Void elf: 4,5%



I mean, I believe it…but what’s the source?


4th place ain’t that bad, kid. Maybe you’ll get the bronze one day.


World of Trollcraft, really. Always has been.

Every elf is just a troll in denial.

(But I do still love Blood Elf lore.)


All of the stuff north of the Thandol Span on the EK is objectively cool.

We got humans, we got undead, we got cool elves, we got the cool dwarves, we have the cool orcs, we got trolls…


Humans used to be the most played race. But then as soon as the racial changed, that stopped being the case.

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It’ll be elfcraft when blood elves become druids. :robot::sweat_drops:

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Well when the past 4 expansions have been elf based and so are the next 2

It’s not really a surprise people play to the only race Blizzard cares about


You think a racial that was changed just over a month ago has affected THAT many characters in such a short time? Nah.

More kinda like this, I think.

Also, what’s the source for this, OP?

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Blood Elves’ numbers are artificially-inflated.

When you’re in the faction of ugly monsters, talking cows, and shambling zombies, ofc a pretty elf race will be the most popular.

When you’re in the faction of pretty humans and elves, well… it will be harder to be THE most popular race in the game.

Basically, Humans and Night Elves should be considered one race really. Do you seriously think Humans wouldn’t even more popular if they replaced Blood Elves on the Horde?

In other words, people who want to play a pretty avatar (aka the vast majority) have so many options out of the Alliance, but only one on the Horde. Hence why Blood Elves are disproportionally popular compared to Alliance races.

Think, people, think.

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Meanwhile, the objectively superior race remains the same it’s always been: Gnome.


That’s why they keep adding new Elfs.

Buncha pretty pointy ears running around… It’s gross, but the people want it.

“I want to be special by playing the same thing as everyone else.” - people who play elves

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Where did you get you information from ? What i have seen and what you have said are two different things .

I have seen all kinds of players playing with different races . Not one race stand out more than others . When it comes to classes , Hunters were the main class that everyone wanted to play . Today , i guess the new tard is Demon Hunters ? What i have been reading in forums .

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Conventional wisdom says it’s relatability, not aesthetics, but think away, I guess.


Is that real data?
the only elf i play is DH b/c no choice, or druid for Shadowmeld. But all races with long ears are messing with transmog helm and that bothers me. Druid i dont care since i never see humanoid.
Pretty sure im not the only one like this.
It’s like tusks of trolls too, but at least you can pick fangs and they hide in full plate helms.
I was tempting to race change my undead priest for void elf for lore but after playing a void elf in remix I recalled why i hates elfs. Ears through helm.

blizzard doesn’t care about other races, orcs dont even have a leader anymore, every expansion we murder a bunch of trolls and after voljin death they’re just irrelevants, forsakens are now good peaceful people who help others, nobody cares about gnomes after that joke of alied race, the list goes on…only elves and humans matters in the modern wow…been a thing since legion

I’ve known many friends that gravitate toward elves, humans, and orcs for two main reasons: appearances (gear generally fits and tons of customization options) and lore (popular archetypal classes fit these races e.g., paladin, druid, demon hunter, death knight, mage, shaman).

I’ve even been tempted to switch off my favorite race (goblin) because I’d like to one day have shoulder pieces that don’t float a foot above me or masks that fit/cover my face.

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The source is that he made it up.

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