5 hours in LFR and nothing to show for it

Rude as he says it, he’s also kinda right


There’s this dude on alliance that makes groups like this every week, heroic and normal

He doesn’t care whats your experience or how big your DPS is, he’ll help anyone long as they listen to him

And that’s how I got AOTC

If this guy exists on alliance, there’s most likely 3-5 people like him on Horde


They removed the power grinds and so they had to replace it with something else, which means nerfing loot drop rates. Along with making rep grind like archivist and ven’ari as lengthy and annoying as possible. To where you can try hard both, yet in the end its not worth it unless your a world first raider.

This is impressively bad. That’s a minimum of 36 pulls to clear six bosses in the story mode of WoW.

Odds of loot are ~20%, and you killed six bosses. So one boss more than the average single loot drop. You got marginaly unlucky, it just feels worse because you had exceptionally bad groups that wasted a ton of your time. This shouldn’t have taken you more than an hour within the actual instances.

It’s about the dom slots. They have this great system, actually really great in practice, for real. I know it’s trendy to attack this system but that pov is all wet. It’s configurable (some of our raiders swap them around per fight with great effect), can make powerful/meaningful differences, and it’s not OP. Someone had confidence in it because they gave shards out like candy … but slots were absolutely blocked, thus screwing the system.

LFR loot drop is probably fine as is, maybe a little better would be nice to account for the fact that there is greatly reduced loot trading.

A better solve for the dom slots would have been 200s from a vendor. Give people a chance to play around with the fun new toy and then if they want to raid to improve it, then fine.

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that makes sense. i guess my only worry then is that some normal/heroic players will feel “forced” to run lfr for dom pieces. doesn’t affect me personally but you know it’ll happen!

That already happened due to the specific RNG of each piece. I had to run LFR to get my helm for my key Unholy set bonus, and taking a 13 ilvl hit was still a 800 DPS increase.


I wonder how many people actually get drops but don’t count them since its not an upgrade because they’re out gearing the difficulty


yeah, that’s true. we’re 9/10H and 1/10M and still have clothies who do not have a dom socket helm.

oh that’s rampant in this forum. most of the “i killed 30 raid bosses and ran 200 m+ last week and got ZERO drops!!!” threads are posted by classic or low-level alts so you can’t actually see what they have equipped and what they’ve run.

I’m offended. :triumph:


Same terrible drop rates in normal!

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Yes, but like Ion said - if you get one drop per 40 runs it will mean more?

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Yeah, no the vault system is terrible as well.

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Seriously do you have any idea how hard it would be to get a random human from the population to play this game? Give them hours days weeks to level and try to learn just to get laughed out of groups by the existing community that wonders why new players don’t join the game? Oh no worries though, when we successfully expunge all of the new players through toxic behavior we will just blame the developers. Logic.

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Still better than the chest. But yeah, it bites when you fill out several slots and nothing is a remote upgrade.

Duplicates should always at least socket or tertiary and there should be some level of bad luck protection


So… Great Vault?

Check your vault Tuesday, you will have choices.

You did get a reward after all!

Hopefully you have been checking your vault at the weekly reset. They’ve implemented the safety net you are looking for.

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Go back to the shadows ion. Faceless and formless servant of elitegoth

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Assuming you don’t get the same piece repeated three times, or a piece that your legendary is occupying, or a down/sidegrade, or a piece you already have equipped

The vault is trash and so is anyone who defends it


It is content. You go in, kill bosses, and get loot, same as normal, heroic, and mythic. In fact it’s better because you don’t have to run all the way to the raid portal in the middle of nowhere.

Is this an attempt at elitism? LFR is part of the game, and just because you don’t do it doesn’t mean it’s an invalid way to enjoy the game.

A system where you never ever get a duplicate is silly. You would quickly fill out all your slots.

Once that happened you’d be in here screeching about content drought.

Be less entitled and more thoughtful. That’s not you though is it.

There is no way to please folks like you.