5 days left

Thankful to be done with this community and this game. It’s been years of abuse not only from the developers but also the community. I’ve never experienced the LoL or Dota crowd but WoW has one of the worst group of players I’ve dealt with online.

The forums have become a clique of people who dog pile you if they disagree. Most of the good regulars have left. Just trolls and shills left.

I was going to stick around for SoM but but level 27…I asked myself why I was even doing it again, especially with 0 balance changes.

The bad news of the corruption of the company grows and grows, it’s manifesting and making the community worse than it already is. SoM day one, you should have seen the toxic racist crap, and they aren’t even banned.

Just over the game, the direction, and the people. Unfortunately there isn’t an MMO out there I’m replacing this game with, to me the genre is laughable at best and dead. I’d say my goodbyes and be sad but I don’t care anymore, happy to be quitting. Already gave up my stuff. Alright guys feel free to be mean and tear me apart like you usually do. I’m so terrible…

Peace WoW thanks for the memories


Sorry that you are leaving. Sometimes a person needs to walk away…

What game are you moving on to next?


Yes, and all of them in the “WoW bad and kicked my puppy” camp.



Can I have your gold?


Hahahahahahahaha hahahaha so hilarious never hear this one.


Mad because people called you out for being a jerk to someone who gave you very constructive and helpful forum formatting advice.

Bye, OP. You won’t be missed.


This you?

Because someone explained to you how to use ` around links. Maybe it’s best you do go. Seems like you can’t handle even normal human interaction.


Yeah. Was talking about quitting way before that. But keep your drama cooking, it’s about all the excitement you get in your life, I’m sure.

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The only drama here is apparently leaving in 5 days.


You people are incredible.

I said I didn’t care if people saw my links or not and I’m torn apart like I’ve been threatening the girl. Lmfao.

Guess what?


Oh, you care. A lot.


man, him and preach have been like… overhyping ff. It’s good, but they’re boosting it “godly status” like it’s crap don’t stink.

It’s got problems just like every game out there.

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I agree. The game is not that great.

It can be fun when you actually play it sometimes but for the most part it’s an interactive movie.

The MMORPG crowd is just kinda dead at this point.

Sorry to hear that, hopefully you enjoy what comes next. /gnomehugs and well wishes


Thanks Wild. Will miss seeing your posts. You were one of the few gnomes I’ve liked.

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Makes sense for a content creator though. If they’ve jumped over to it, they want their audience to do the same.

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No worries! Imagine me saying “go Gnomes yay!” 500 times and you’re caught up for a year lol

Best of luck :wave:

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But the problems with FF are mostly because of lack of big budget, lack of huge team to do things, and the fact they try to do the best they can beyond what would be possible to them.

Blizzard do underdeveloped stuff that kids on patreon using home computers and UE5 could do better. And they think highly of themselves as if all they are doing is genius.


If that’s what you think is causing problems…

As their budget has grown we’ve gotten LESS content expansions to expansion.

Used to get 2-3 dungeons a patch, now we get one, full stop.