5/8M One Day Guild LFM

Currently recruiting all classes and people who prefer just a single night of raiding. We have openings on both our progression roster as well as our 8.3 roster moving forward.

Open to mergers as well.

If you want to raid, but have limited time we’re an excellent blend of skill and time.

Tuesdays from 8:30pm to 12:30am EST.

Wednesday Palooza is a team of players who prefer not to schedule more than one day for raiding due to real-life commitments or personal preference. We reside on US-Sargeras as Alliance. We are mightily proud of our raiding atmosphere and strive to maintain its unique vibe. We aim to burn through Heroic content as efficiently as possible so that we can attack Mythic to push for Cutting Edge. Our raid time is limiting, but our team is composed of highly motivated players that keep their characters fully optimized for Mythic challenges. We expect each player to carry their weight.

wednesdaypalooza dot com

Recruitment Officers:
Bigsteer (Discord: Bigsteer#6667), (Bnet: Bigsteer#1581)
Xanderin (Discord: fightn-ares#5530), (Bnet: FightnAres#1858)
Bobarker (Discord: prokaryt#5232), (Bnet: Prokaryote#1868)