4th specialisation for monk

Hey, everyone!

I have long wanted to play in a specialization with explosive attacks like those guys in anime who go into rage and frenzy and break walls with their fists with anger, now monks have 3 specialization DPS Windwalker (Air), Brewmaster (Earth), Mistweaver (Water), the concept of 4th (Fire) specialization is melee explosive power, fury, blazing series of blows for example, because monks in WW specialization is light, flexible, calm and balanced like the wind, air, I suggest agressive, strong and powerful specialization, and of course main (fire) abilities like Rising Sun Kick (fire), analogue of Fists of Futy that will somtimes deal additional explosive fire damage on hit, mastery that will increase damage and chance of duplicating a melee abilities with strikes.

Understand that Xuen is the spirit of air, lightning, you can add his forgotten brother, imprisoned or banished long ago somewhere in the depths, who sat there in his rage, and you need to stand by his side, help him realize his mistakes, passing through trials with him.

I remember about the Sha of Anger, the concept of purifying the emotions of everyone in Pandaria, this is different, we are talking about pure, primal rage (fire) and power.


id be fine with something like this or a ranged dps caster that uses chi like dbz style beam blast etc that would be neat as well!


We just got them to iterate on Windwalker, lets slow our roll.


Would make sense for four specs for four celestials. Maybe Blizz splits castweaver and fistweaver into two distinct specs.


This is likely what they should do, but - seeing as they’ve already cooked up Hero Talents, and TWW is in Alpha - that’s not very likely in the coming xpac. I mean, it seems like a no-brainer to make Monk a 4-spec class (with 2 of them being Healers) based on the 4 celestials. It’s perfect - even their own lore agrees.


But roll cancelling is cancelled.


That all being said

  • Niuzao - Tank
  • Xuen - Melee DPS
  • Yu’lon - Healer
  • Chi’ji - Melee Support spec

Imagine if classes start getting their 4th spec before DH gets their 3rd. I’d lol

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id go Chi’Ji the healer and Yu’lon a caster dps if it were me but this would be fine as well.

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I mean we do tech have 4 specs if u count fistweaving vs caster weaving as seperate

Honestly its looking like this might be a thing. Fistweaver is almost considered a new spec with its different play style. My only hope is they would make it more ranged if they did this.

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Sir, this is the Monk forum. We don’t give a hoot about DHs here.

All kidding aside, I don’t think every class needs 4 specs - but Monks might; also, it’d just make sense. It’d be consistent with their lore.

Yuck. :nauseated_face:

All they need to do is split the MW into Yu’lon Castweaver and Chi-Ji Fistweaver, and they’ll have their 4 specs tied to the 4 celestials.

Turning Castweaver into a DPS is problematic, seeing as a lot of MWs flex between Castweaver and Fistweaver depending on the content they’re doing.


pardon me for wanting to kamehameha my enemies and then fly away on my flying nimbus…

Mistweaving spec needs to be split up. Building on what you said Babylonius Mistweaving would take Yu’lon and Fistweaving would take Chi’ji.

There is a;already a battle in the forums between castweaver/mistweaver and fistweavers so this would resolve that issue once and for and let the devs flesh out the specs to be completely separate and unique.


Yeah… No…

Looking at the druid class tree, which has to jam 4 specs in there, I’m good with 3 specs tyvm. Also, they just fixed our class tree after a whole xpack of junk…

Splitting the most fun spec in the game (as in MW) doesn’t sound great. It just sounds like both will be gutted.

Stop trying to add range into a melee class. Monk doesn’t have anything to support a range playstyle… MW should still be played in melee even when you play the caster playstyle.


I’m confused, so you you say that you don’t want healing monks to be ranged, despite having the tools for it, and to just be melee.

We advocate for giving fistweavers their own tree (and misweavers their own) to fully flesh out what you like about being in melee and fistweaving and allowing bliz to add stuff that they could not otherwise add in a fistweaving tree, and your against it??

That’s kinda like saying you like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream but hate the cookie dough part and here we are saying lets split those two up so everyone can get what they want.

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That part of your quote really had me confused. they have a TON of ranged healing spells. and have had decent ranged damage spells here and there ( i concede crackling jade lightning for it’s damage has been gutted but it was once very good being a channeled ranged spell as just a ranged filler, blizz just need to retune it)

There have also been a long list of spells since MoP that have been removed from monks that could be brought back in for both specs very nicely.

Spinning Fire Blossom was fun ability and visually cool that would be fun to get back.

Chi Explosion was another interesting one. one of the last i think that still used the chi system. Made for interesting combat building up chi meleeing to then unleash powerful effects based on charge level.

So ya see there is plenty of room to build out Crane style/Chi’ji or Mistweaver/Yu’lon for each spec

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Healer monk supports it’s group by being in melee range from it’s ennemies, if you want to cc/interrupt or do some damage, it’s all going to happen in melee. You do not have those tools from range and this is true for both fist/castweaver.

Now sure some damage can be done from range, namely CJL (which only serves as a way to pull for monks these days) and zen pulse (which is more a heal in itself and reworked as such in TWW)

Yep. I enjoy both playstyles of our wonderful spec and I don’t enjoy the idea of a ranged healer monk. Mistweaver is a healer that needs to be wary of their positionning to function best and making it so that it never needs to be in melee removes this aspect of the playstyle.

Also making a range monk is akin to ask for a ranged touch of death/leg sweep and spear hand strike…

Ranged healing doesnt equal playing a melee class. I mean as in being in melee to your foes.

I’m not saying healer monk cannot have more range options (for damage) but I’d rather we keep things in one spec.

Splitting the specs might work for pve but I’m not sure for pvp. For me, fist is very situationnal, and if you’re not in a proper situation to use it, it’s terrible. Where as, caster is a lot more flexible.

TWW looks to be fixing a lot of lingering issues for healer monks too, so I’m very against changing course :man_shrugging:t2:

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What you described, as in being in melee, taken advantage of interrupts, dealing damage from melee, etc, can ABSOLUTELY be the theme for Crane style/Chi’ji Fistweaving spec. You get what you want.

Were advocating for the ranged side that in no way requires “all” the aforementioned stuff you just said. Not once did i ever suggest

That right there is what we call a straw-man argument where you present an opposing position as a warped, extreme version of itself often suggesting that all aspects take on that level of extremism.

Were not suggesting or saying we should be able to have or do all the things that you can, from melee, and be able to do them in a ranged spec. But even if the argument was that something like “Leg Sweep” is part of the core monk kit, Blizz already had an alternative choice years ago called “Charging Ox Wave”.

No one is advocating for a ranged Interrupt like spear hand strike or Touch of Death. Some skills can even be altered to behave differently based on spec so Touch of Death becomes something else entirely as to allow Touch of death to remain unique to being in melee. I recall many specs have a baseline spell that “transforms” based on your spec into it’s “spec” version of that like how mages had Fireball/Frostbolt where once you choose your spec “that” spell then takes it’s place and core talents can support either one.

Core skills can always be adjusted but does not mean a melee spec will be the same as a ranged. Take a look at Hunters with ranged Marksmanship and Beat Mastery specs vs the Survival specs. There are themes of hunter that overlap but the specs themselves are separate and distinct.

Were actually saying they monk specs can be completely different but with “theme” overlaps of the monk and celestial styles of Crane style/Chi’ji or Mistweaver/Yu’lon being what separates them. What Fisweaver will bring and be able to do can be different from what Mistweavers bring and will have and that’s ok. Different and choices are a good thing.

Holy and Disc priests are one example of two specs that whole both belong to the priests they have worked to differentiate them on the spec level. The theme of priest overlaps but the specs themselves utilize different styles/spells of healing to perform relatively the same job.


Nope, this doesn’t need to happen.

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