476 Hunter LF mythic guild to finish tier/further

Currently 5/12 m but looking for guild to complete this tier and moving into the next. Cannot raid Wednesdays. Will show up to every raid.

Ebs - Bleedinghollow

Hi Ebs!

We are One Breath From Death on Zul’jin and looking for DPS to join our Mythic roster - we are 6/12M and we raid Tues/Thurs from 7:30pm-10pm eastern. We also have an active roster pushing keys.

Would love to chat! I’ve sent you a btag request.

btag: Emeraldwine#1888


Hello Ebs

We’re looking for ranged dps for SL, if you are interested and can make our times feel free to apply at https://apply.wowaudit.com/us/area-52/saf/main

We’re 12/12M, raids are T/Th 8-11 EST, located on A 52

we got Ilgy down to 30% first night. add me up if interested


Noire - Mal’Ganis [H] Sat-Sun 8PM-12AM EST
Looking for a few ranged DPS to round out our roster. Currently 9/12M as we only started the tier recently (0.4% ilgy wipe). Ex top-20 US Leader, small group of friends who look to achieve progression in game while maintaining a fun raid environment. Many high level backgrounds in various other games. Mostly building a roster for shadowlands. Most of us are in our early 20s :slight_smile:

You can reach me on bnet: Azer#1646