473 Warlock LF Guild

30 something guy looking for a weekday Mythic raiding guild, I know I haven’t got a lot of experience in M raiding but I’m a quick learner and do my research before going in (just one shot M Skitra the first time I went into that boss). I just focused in M+ during BFA (pushed up to 19).
I’m ready to server transfer and willing to fill other roles as well; can play Druid as tank, healer or rdps, or DK as Unholy/Blood. Willing to try Priest and/or Paladin in SL.


P.S. I’ve also got the best 'mogs in town.

We are currently open to many specs and classes and looking to expand our roster. Our website is guildsofwow. com/noturningback without the spaces and my bnet is Ash#11430. Feel free to apply and reach out.

We are a guild on Sargeras that has an active community, both in game, and on Discord. We are active during off raid nights with mythic+ and other in game content. We are a 2 night, 6 hours a week, raiding guild with intentions of achieving Cutting Edge. We have built a solid core and are looking for a few more raiders to add to our community and roster. We like to joke around and pick on each other all in good fun, but when it comes to progression we know how to change modes and be serious to get content down. Our atmosphere is extremely important to us, therefore we have a zero drama tolerance. We are looking for long term raiders with a competitive drive and a desire to always improve. If you think we are the right guild for you please apply below and an officer will reach out shortly.

What we value from raiders:
Community driven and being a team player
Ability to take criticism well
Positive mindset regarding progression
Drama free
Maintaining your character and knowledge of your class

Raid Schedule:(Invites are sent out 10 minutes prior)

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7:30-10:30pm CST


• Mythic+ requirement TBA.

• Have DBM/Bigwigs, Exorsus Raid Tools, RCLootCouncil, and WeakAuras.

• Be on time for raid invites with consumables which inculde pots, food, flasks, and runes.

• Knowing your class. Keep up to date on the latest and greatest talents, and gem/enchant combinations to perform as well as possible on each fight.

• Research each fight for your specific role/class.

• Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar.

Attendance: We are looking for competent and reliable raiders that can maintain at least a 90% attendance rate. We are all adults with lives outside the game so we do understand that things happen. Our policy on missing raids is to notify an officer at least 24 hours before raid, unless an emergency occurs.

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Thanks, just finished my application.

Raid times:
Wednesday & Thursday 830PM to 1130PM
Optional heroic runs for Tuesday or Friday possible.

Current progress: 7/12M -Ny’alotha

What we want:

We are mostly a M+ and raiding guild,
Our Goal is CE for each Patch.
We occasionally PVP (Arena)

Currently recruiting for Shadowlands Raiding:

DPS - Mage, warlock, DH, enhance shaman. (All welcomed to apply but we are looking to fill
these specific niches)

Healers and Tanks

Msg me Discord Frost#3808

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Just read your message, I’ll reach you in a bit.