447 Enhance shaman lf N/H raiding guild

What’s up, folks? Looking to get back into the swing of things after a long hiatus due to all sorts of reasons. Looking to get into a full clearing heroic guild, with maybe a mythic boss or two dying beneath our bootheels! I’m completely understanding of how terrible my itemlevel currently is so, hopefully, I’m not making a total buffoon of myself here.

Availability: Monday-Friday 6pm-12pm realm time.

As stated in the title I’m an enhance main (horrible elemental/resto player so I wouldn’t even think about going down that road). My past experience as a raider:
Fully cleared every raid between Siege of Ogrimmar and Nighthold on mythic.
Aotc for Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus (albeit as a WW Monk because screw legion enhance shaman changes).
Aotc for all of BFA (as a survival hunter >.>)
9/10H 2/10M Castle Nathria. Then shadowlands be shadowlandsing.

If by some miracle anyone is interested here’s my battle.tag: antiocdawg#1946

Also have my survival hunter alt for raiding as well, Rxhg 449 itemlevel.