$44.50 AUD for 1 Clone ..... come on man


Long time customer of blizzard have been playing wow since day 1 or vanilla have never really been too disappointed overall with pricing up until recently with the subscription price increase and now the cost of the cloning service

I cannot for the life of me understand how you believe $44.50 AUD is justified for 1 character clone where most players have at least 2 or more alts

I planned to clone my Hunter,Warrior,Paladin and Mage the total cost of this ? $178 AUD … there is no excuse or justification for this kind of price it should either be $10-15 USD or the $35 USD for all character 1 of payment

I really hope from the overwhelmingly negative feedback to these costs and a majority of people in the surveys clearly voting for $10-15 usd for a clone

I hope you listen to long time customer feedback and correct this issue

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This post wont get the attention your hoping for the dev dont come here at all best place is TBC classic general forums where the developers will see it personaly id rather they give 1 free boost my self more reason not to play it shrug.


Your post does a great job of capturing your concerns and what you feel would be a more resonable option.

The CS forum is an Information Desk where folks help others with using the Support System, explain policies, explain various blizzard purchase options (as they exist), etc.

Feedback is done via the non-Support forums or the in-game suggestion tool. If you want to discuss this and have it seen by Community Managers who DO collect feedback, you want to post on the WoW Classic forums. Probably General.


other than not wanting to spend money, i don’t understand why people think it should be so cheap… you’re getting an entire extra character, with all its gear and inventory.

you don’t get any of that with the price of a fresh boost, which is almost double the cost.


I think the problem is they promise clone ur character at launch never mention a fee then drop a bombshell oh by the way you want to clone your gona have to pay money.

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It was announced in February that it would be a paid service.

  1. If you decide you’d like to play your character in both game types, you’ll be able to use an optional paid service to gain access to the cloned character in both game types.

To be fair i assumed they would offer a free one as well but this isnt the proper place for this discussion.

if it’s to clear up misinformation or misunderstandings, i don’t see why it’s not relevant to discuss.

all characters are cloned free of charge.

you can move forward, or stay on classic, at no cost.
you only need to pay if you want to unlock the additional clone.


The op came here for a suggestion or a complaint how you look at it but were degressing im gona call it a nite.

I don’t even have an issue with it being a paid service the issue i have is the cost for example

I pay for 2 wow accounts + my partners

3 x subscription fee $20 usd ($60 usd a month)

If i want the character boost or delux thats another what 50 - 70 ?

If i want 4 of my characters cloned thats $178 aud

these prices just to play both classic/tbc is ridiculous

I didn’t say i want free clones i said i think they should be cheaper or a 1 off fee

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you don’t need the clones to play both.
you can start fresh, at no cost.

players are being provided options which were never available with the original game.


Just stop replying listen to what your saying you’re asking someone who has invested 1 year + into there character to forget that character and start again mostly full bis naxx gear that’s ridiculous stop trolling

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This cloning thing isn’t a life/game necessity - you can live without using this and you can play without this thing. Coming here with a chip on your shoulder because you felt entitled to something doesn’t mean you should be.

To get a brand new character made out of thin air, it’s $60 on retail and that’s a bare-bones toon. No profession boost (that was removed years ago) and it’s 10 levels below max. And then if I want to transfer a character to another server, it’s $25.

For $35 Blizzard is doing something better than what you can get from retail for $85. I’m not seeing the problem.

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Just to be clear Elron, you do understand that there is absolutely no cost unless you choose to move on to BC and make a copy of them to keep on the Classic servers or vice versa.

Otherwise, you get to choose for free whether or not to move them to BC or keep them in Classic.


…this is why i wanted to make certain you understood the process.

you can continue to play your characters, at zero cost.
you can either keep them at 60, or move on.
you don’t need to do both.
you get to pick one option.
you only pay if you want BOTH options.


Just to update this as Blizzard has just lowered the price of the Cloning service.

Link: WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update


Dang, you beat me to it! Huzzah, Feedback does get recognized.


And just to clarify for future searches, use the feedback (IE General Discussion) forums, and the suggestion box in game. It’s always under consderation.


Glad to see they listened and made it a more reasonable price i have no issue with $20 AUD per clone