8/8 heroic level 65 neck ilvl 443 looking for a raiding guild - starting time anytime after 8 and ending around 12 or before. Would like to dip in mythic but not necessary.
Would love to talk to you about this if our times would work out with you, Please add me on Bnet and let’s talk!
Hey Yoshii,
We are looking to fill all ranks. Check out our post and let me know if you have any questions!
Hey there, we might be a good fit for you if you’re interested in semi-hardcore mythic progression. We’re lookin for a couple more people.
We’re looking to grow our M+ community as well as a couple more people to round out our roster and push further mythic raids in a laid back manner(get as far as we can but no stressin it). We’re all mostly older raiders who understand life happens. We do tmog runs when there’s interest and m+s regularly throughout the week.
CD is a progression-oriented guild that’s been around for 13 years and recently moved to Area 52 from the Eonar server. We pride ourselves on only playing with people we actually enjoy spending time with(no toxicity or drama) and are currently looking for mature players to bolster our roster. We are currently 9/9 Heroic and 3/9 Mythic BOD 2/2 H CoS. We’re 8/8N 8/8H EP 3/8 M. We plan to push into mythic and get as far as we can. We also have a strong Mythic+ community.
Our main raid nights are Wednesdays and Sundays 8-11PM EST. We also frequently do a Friday Night Normal fun/alt raid and M+ runs on most non-raid nights.
Hit up Begzilla(Chibi#1952), Slowthar(Cretia#11550), Daishii(lokiashaman#1399) or Moruba/Andoras(Dolgare#1940) for more info and to do some runs and get to know us.
I run a guild on the Horde side of Tichondrius called Even Flow. We are an AOTC/M+ Guild and are 8/8H. Raid days: Friday/Saturday 9pm - 12am PST we have a tank spot open currently and if yo uare interested message me on bnet Vetec#1230 I’ve left some info below just to give you a gist of what we are about.
(Yes we have enough to raid currently)
This guild is a character based outfit “ I take attitudes, teamwork, willing to listen and learn OVER how high you parse”. Currently we are looking to fill a few spots so we can continue raiding without anyone having to flex.
The plan is to acquire AOTC every tier then start setting our sights on M+ while also selling Normal/Heroic carry runs(since we aren’t going to be doing Mythic raiding anymore)
My promise to the membership is to ensure a healthy non toxic raid environment. I will not tolerate trolling, talking crap, yelling, or anything like that in this guild.If you have a grievance, act like an adult and we can handle it like adults. I give you my word that i will do everything i can as a raid leader/GM to make sure that our runs go as smooth as possible.All i ask is that you do the same.
The Team is always looking for a good MW. Hit one of us to have a chat, See if the guild is right for you. Guild spam below.
About Us
Mint is an Alliance guild on US-Stormrage
We are a small, like minded group of AOTC raiders that love to clear current content and push as far into mythic content as possible. WARNING: NO SNOW FLAKES! You will melt. we clown around when it’s appropriate, and focus when it’s needed. Very active discord. We run keys daily.Expectations:
Being on time and prepared.
Having discord/mic and be willing to use it.
Be receptive to constructive criticism, and voice opinions in a respectful way.Raid Times:
9 - 12 Eastern Tuesday, WednesdayProgression:
- 2/8M TEP
- 8/8H TEP
- 3/9M BOD
- 2/2H CE
Recruitment Needs:
We recruit the player not the class. No elitists here, but you will be judged on performance and attendance. All spots are competitive, even if our need is very low we will always trial any exceptional applicant. The following is a priority list by need:
Melee DPS: Med
Ranged DPS: Med (High need on Spriest and Boomie)
Healer: Med (Priest, Shaman, Druid)
Tank: FullIf we’ve piqued your interest at all, please give any of us officers a shout!
We do discord interviews no application required.Contact
Haiwire haiwire#11135(Raid lead) Discord Hai#4241
Swiz Madflavor#1783 (officer) Discord Swiz#6087
Gwennova Gwennett#1966 (GM)
Ghostdonkey travjumba#1239 (officer)