44% of Alpha players picking Ardenweald

Huge sample size. Much accuracy.

only furries left in wow right now. At release real players will come back and pick decent covenants.

From what I can see Ardenweald is the only choice for rogues atm. The covenant ability isn’t fantastic but I’m not going to complain about an extra vanish on a boss fight. Necrolord isn’t bad. Bastion looks annoying and Venthyr is just terrible.

I’d pick it if the class ability wasn’t pvp themed. I like the venthyr. Night fae were my second choice.

Autai is going Maldraxxus for the sake of knowledge and power. Not really into any of the cosmetics, though I do appreciate the Egyptian undertones in the cloth armor. I’m a Kel’thuzad fan girl, how could I not go here for my desired main.

Tauren Death Knight/Shaman is going Ardenweald, don’t know what I’m going to do for their motivation outside wanting to witness the rebirthing of a Wild God. Probably won’t use any of the cosmetics here either.

Ardenweald will get a lot of traction from players choosing for aesthetics. I don’t think that was ever in doubt.

I am not sure if these a true statistics, but it would not be surprising a lot of people tend to enjoy forests and nature in general. Also I feel this zone was offered the most new species, npcs etc.

I am most disappointed with Bastion. I was nipping at them a long time ago for this zone. From my understanding someone thought of a concept for that zone and was so blown away they were like no let’s just base a whole other zone on this concept. Which turned out to be Ardenweald. I’m not sure if that is true but that is what I read.

Makes me curious what the original concept for Adrenweald was.

Either way, Bastion suffered and it is completely apparent. It was the first one on release so most rushed. (At Blizzcon) Val’kyrs look like generic old NPCs from WoTLK days. (2008) A long with a couple of other things I was disheartened with. It’s not like I was nipping/nagging to not be constructive. I was genuinely unhappy as I felt it was the zone I should’ve been the most pumped about and it was completely thrown aside.

Revendreth is just Gothic vampires. (I’m not entirely sure how that really fits that well in the Warcraft universe but they had a little of it in WoTLK also.) A lot of people will enjoy the old Victorian type of style and vampires in general. So that is not surprising. Maybe a lot of others just enjoy horror also. I mean Drustvar was pretty warmly received and a lot said it was their fav BFA zone.

Maldraxxus I thought had a potential to be a real fun zone. Even if it was kinda recycled content. I was hoping it would evolve a little past the Eastern/Western plaguelands aesthetic but that didn’t end up happening. The one armor looks pretty nice, I seen a couple things there that I think look nice.

I’m not trying to blast SL before I have had a chance to play it. I am not saying it is bad. Just expressing my feelings on the expansion. (Hopefully the gameplay turns out really fun.) Still this is pretty much summing up SL for me before I have had an attempt to actually play it…

The two zones that embody the WoTLK expansion and make most sense in the Warcraft universe. Are Basiton and Maldraxxus. They are the ones that got neglected and most recycled content.

Compared to brand new shiny look you never seen this before content and visuals. That seem a bit of place for this universe and are just there for marketing purposes? Because who doesn’t like vampires and forests? They are the top two right? So unfortunately the popularity for those two zones is for all the wrong reasons and Maldraxxus and Bastion were never even offered a fighting chance. If those two zones had more interesting visuals and not be as recycled. They would’ve stood more of a chance.

This is just what I believe. Even a small adjustments of having beautiful updated female val’kyr (I can imagine how radiant they could’ve looked and why I was nipping) would’ve gathered more attention. Or some really neat never seen before experiments from Maldraxxus that don’t look as similar to abominations. Or a whole other level of Lich we haven’t seen before. Would have the players attention. Like I said the two zones suffer from the most recycled content. Compared to Ardenweald that just offers a plethora (bugs, tree people, environment etc.) of stuff we have never seen before.

Anyways this is just all noise. They have implemented a system that will pigeonhole people into covenants anyways. As spells/traits are bound to certain covenants. The real winner will ultimately be the covenant that others the player to be the top dps etc. No real choice here. Which I have strongly been against this as I have heard the covenant you choose will ultimately effect your mogs, your story etc. I would’ve preferred my own choice.

Why do you guys care? It’s still too early, wait till PTR

I’ll be picking whatever ability i enjoy the most, don’t even care about the numbers.

For zone purposes though, always been a castlevania fan, so revandreth intrests me the most.


I was mad, then I saw bastion getting dunked on

Dont worry my edgy demon hunter booty will be there with ya!

I understand the arguments for other zones. But: Bone Wings

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Don’t worry they will fix it in beta…
Don’t worry it will be fixed before it goes live…
X. 1 they will fix it for sure.
X. 2 fixes this stuff usually.
Guys don’t be silly they are working on the new expansion wait for alpha to come out

I’ll say it again, I picked it because it has Furry Goat People.

I am heading Bastion, glad to be the few percent,

We might be OP and soon people may beg to change faction to us LOL!

Clicked to vote and
“you can’t vote because we hate you!” popped up. Feels bad Blizzard… feels bad.

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Nope, not what I’m saying, what I’m saying is, why do you care when you can’t do anything about it. Unless you’re in alpha, but there are alpha forums. All nonalpha players can do is be grumpy.

Naw, they have all the zones out except the Maw and the only system left to test is the Soulbinds. I don’t see them releasing the Maw till just before prepatch because there’ll be to many story spoilers. And the Soulbinds look like they need raid/M+ etc testing for the drops that make up half of it so they may not open that up until beta as well.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they drop Beta at the rescheduled reveal on the 8th.

I hope. But my mind tells me that they are not going to drop a Beta during these 5 weeks of Time Walking. They are there precisely to keep us entertained.