438 68 hoa holy priest lf heroic guild

^ As the title says. Looking for a guild that is interested in pushing current content to get Ahead of the Curve for 8.3 and even possibly kill a few mythic bosses.

I can do central/eastern based raid times and I come prepared with flask/pots/food and a decent set of gear for my offspec(if needed).

Looking for a guild with like minded adults who are laid back and able to get things done within 2-3 hours. Leave replies with your btags here and ill get back to you promptly. Thank you.

Willing to trial to start out. Always have to test the chemistry. Want this union to reach into Shadowlands.

Reply to this post or message me @ Quil#11637

Greetings Nagasis,

Our guild, Triangle Pub is a guild based on a tight-knit and innovative community of players that have been raiding with one another since Cataclysm. Our demographic is majority college-aged players from the north-eastern region of the US. On top of our delineated interest in raiders, we are currently looking for players of ALL roles for daily M+ runs.

We are currently searching for the following roles to fill our core during the interim prior to 8.3:

  • Tank
    - Blood Death Knight
    - Brew Master Monk

  • DPS
    - Afflication/Destro Warlock
    - Balance Druid
    - Shadow Priest
    - Mage

Note: These roles are subject to change at any point and will gladly take any player into consideration if we see a potential fit.

Here is a current digest of our raid schedule

Tuesday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Saturday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm EST
Sunday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm EST

If you’re interested joining, please contact myself or a guild officer. Find my contact information below.

GM: Tang#12536
Recruiting Officer: Proxy#1236

I look forward to hearing from all of you.