437 bm hunter 3/8m lfg

I had to step away from wow for over a year due to changes in work and living arrangements. I am now back to being able to play again. I had left sargeras at the beginning of the expansion to raid with real life friends in a small guild on Garrosh but had to step away from wow entirely. They have since moved on to other servers. I am wanting to transfer back by next Friday. My previous guild on sargeras was KLS.
My raid history dates back to vanilla all the way up through to the end of the legion expansion where i finished 8/11 mythic Antorus I had always been into HM content. I finished both 9/9 gold challenge modes in mop and 9/9 gold in wod as a hunter. A good fit for me as far as a guild goes would be a tight nit not too competitive adult raiding focused type. I am 32 years old myself. Not too cutting edge or too hardcore but still talented enough to get into mythic beyond one or two bosses.
I am currently a fair bit rusty , I have only been back to playing now for 2 weeks mostly doing mythic + runs and pugging eternal palace when I can. Any raid times work for me on any days of the week. I fit best with guilds that are also active outside of raids. Id like to do more mythic plus runs through the week without pugging id love to make some new friends as i hardly have anyone i know thats left playing sadly. I am very laid back easy to get along with type of guy. Always open to constructive criticism. If i sound interesting to you and you have a long term opening for a hunter in your guild on Sargeras hit me up so we can talk more my battletag is Harbinger487#1542

Hi, I’m Fenrirulv, and I invite you to ask yourself, are you happy where you’re at? Do you enjoy coming to raids, or has it become more about the parses/purples than the people? What if I told you there’s a guild where people enjoy each other’s company while killing those pixel monsters?

After a short break to allow some of our members to relive their glory days in Classic, of Sargeras is back in action!

We are a guild of adults with lives outside of WoW… ok so that might be a bit of a stretch. But most of us do have jobs, spouses, kids, etc. keeping us busy IRL, so when we log into the game, we’re here to have fun and unwind. With a limited schedule, of Mon & Wed 9-12 CST, we do take raid time seriously, but we also value our fairly relaxed, social atmosphere.

Our focus is on completing AotC every tier, and then we will tackle mythic fights as time allows. We will not push for mythic progression at the expense of our atmosphere. Raiders are expected to come to raid on time, prepared with appropriate consumables, enchants, and gems.

Currently recruiting all classes and roles, except tanks.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a trial run, you can contact me in game at: Rawrabear#1450.

still looking.

We’re a 1 day a week guild 5/8M LF more people. 8:30 - 12:30 EST Tuesday only.