Happy new year all,
About myself:
I am coming back from a several tier break (quit after Uldir), I am looking to get back into the raiding scene with the launch of the Ny’alotha raid and release of the Shadowlands expansion.
Currently sitting at 434 ilvl and focusing on gearing my Holy set.
I am proficient and comfortable playing Holy and/or Retribution, as deemed necessary. Due to my break, my specs are not optimally geared and are a work in progress with the goal of being prepped for Mythic Ny’alotha and the Shadowlands expansion.
I am willing to main Holy and/or Retribution. I am also very open to being a healer main with a viable DPS off-spec.
My previous raiding experience:
Previously a semi-casual raider from WOTLK to the opening of the Antorus raid:
- 7/7M CE Highmaul
- 8/10M BRF
- 7/7M CE EN
- 4/10M NH
- 7/9M ToS
Joined <Aesthetic-Area 52> as a core raiding member for Antorus and beyond where our goal was to push for ranking:
- 11/11M CE Antorus (World 499 / US 175)
- 7/8M Uldir (Guild 8/8M CE: World 245 / US 81) I was not in the group when M G’huun was downed due to the precise composition required but actively participated in many, many pulls. Unfortunately, the expansion took its toll on many raiders and the guild collapsed before a rekill. With the collapse of the guild I had been with for about 2 years, I decided to take a break from the game and have only recently come back with a newfound craving to raid.
What am I looking for?
- Ideally a Horde guild (Area 52 would be the best).
- Evening raid times with 2 or 3 raid nights/week.
- Semi-hardcore raid mentality with the intention of downing bosses and advancing guild rank without raiding every night of the week (raiders are expected to put in the effort of researching fights and their classes, continually improving their roles, using raid time optimally, etc.).
- Guild that promotes constructive criticism in an effort to improve every raider to be better overall.
- Active and sociable members who do things together outside of usual raid nights (alt runs, PvP, M+, etc).
References are available on demand.
Thanks all,