Looking for strong progression guild eastern time zone. Have been playing since oct 2018. I do not have any current AOTA or ce, I am very proficient with learning fights and criticism. At the moment I am most proficient with Prot pally, blood dk, Prot warrior, havoc dh, Resto Druid, brew,aster monk, all over 400 Ilvl 3 over 410. Have tanked at least 10’s on all 6 class’s. Just leveled a priest and starting grind to gear for current content. In process of leveling a shaman that is at 110. Also have a 120 warlock if I that is what is needed and will gear fast. I am willing to play whatever roll is needed and keep appropriate alts geared and current for changing needs and meta.
Also I’ll make sure to have proper professions for class and spec and contribute to guild needs, feast, flask etc. as much as needed. (Ie. all my healers are alchemists).
I am new to strong progression raiding and I am willing to do whatever is necessary to learn and earn my spot. Unfortunately being new to the content I want to play and believe my skill level to be creates problems with judging my skill and fit for your needs.
Can raid any nights after 7 est summer and anytime winter even during day. I am a farmer self employed hence the hours. I can also raid as many nights a week as needed for progression at beginning of tier barring emergency’s.
I understand I have no real experience to offer in the way of proof of skill and intent other then a tryout and what is on my raider page.
Currently on garithos USA and understand transfer of all toons needed to fulfill requirements.
Thank you for your consideration.
Will post battle tag first thing tomorrow as I’m not at my pc at the moment.
I should have been more concise on what type of guild I’m looking for. I simply want to clear mythical and get ce before end of tier.
Newly formed Guild by a group of friends.
We all have AOTC.
Looking to Push Mythic Raiding, while keeping Heroic on Farm.
Raidtimes: 8pm-12am US central (Illidan, server time)
Recruiting is open to All roles, trying to form a solid core, to push Mythic Progression in the current, and Future raid tiers.
We understand starting a new guild is and will be hard, but we are, committed, and staying around.
Very friendly, social, active atmosphere.
If interested Contact me in game, or VIA discord.
bnet: matt#19690
Discord: AwesomeIsMatt#1304
Feel free to contact, to ask any questions not answered here.
Rally (Alliance)
ProgBalls Raid Team: 8/9M 9/9H; 8/8 M (Uldir)
SRD Raid Team: 3/9M 9/9H; 5/8 M (Uldir)
Tummy Sticks Raid Team: 9/9H 1/9M; 2/8M, 8/8 H (Uldir)
TAHCO Raid Team: 5/9H 9/9N (BoD)
Raid Times:
PSB: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST
SRD: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST
Tummy Sticks: Thursday 8:30pm - 1130pm EST
TAHCO: Tues 8pm-11pm EST
Wednesday: Guild wide open raids 8pm - 10:30pm EST
Fridays: Achievement runs, Jackbox Party Games, M+ races, discord event and contests
Saturday: 8:30 - 11pm EST Horde Alt/casual open raids
Sunday 8:30 - 10:30pm EST Casual/Alt Optional open raids
Monday PvP (Rated BG’s 8:30 - 10:30 pm)
Dalaran - PvE (US)
About Us:
<Rally> is a guild founded upon the principle that we want to enjoy the people we are playing with. Rather than being a raiding guild that is social, we are a social guild that raids. We use very exclusive recruitment methods to ensure compatibility among members to maintain a cohesive atmosphere at all times.
Our guild is inclusive of all skill and experience levels as well as a variety of end game goals. From the new player who is still leveling to the retired hard core raider who is looking for a challenge on a more forgiving schedule. An experienced player with a buddy brand new to the game. We have an option for just about everyone. Most importantly, we are a community. We are a home. When you want a great group of people to hand with but don’t want to wear pants, RALLY is the answer!
Guild Atmosphere
We have mostly adults here, averaging about 30 in age. We’re still plenty immature at times and we have lots of fun. There’s some dry humor, a meme channel in Discord and hidden bot commands to troll each other. We’re a family here. We spend the day chatting in Discord chat from our phones or work until people start getting home and logging in. We have people with children and families and share complaints about cranky children and spouses. We are a highly active community of people. If you joined Rally, you could physically raid 5 nights a week and a lot of people do. We bring alts to other raids or even raid the same raids again despite loot lockouts because it’s just fun to hang with these people and smash !@#$ together.
We are looking to recruit people who fit into our group well and get along. We are looking for people who care and want to learn and get better or are already skilled but lack the time to dedicate to hardcore raiding as well. Whether you still want to push progression or just want to raid once a week for fun and minimal pressure, please apply!
We are a tight knit community of friends with a solid foundation of real life and long term friends having played WoW and other games together for 10+ years. We have a diverse membership with several couples, male and female, and new and experienced players. Our Discord is active during the day while people are at work and we are always spending time online running Mythic+, alt raids, popup raids, world quest groups, leveling alts, helping each other level and gear, etc.
Currently Recruiting:
Rally is always looking for personalities who fit into our team and are willing to wait for specific raid openings in the name of joining an amazing guild.
However, our current raid openings are as follows:
PSB: Ranged DPS (priest, mage, warlock, boomie, hunter, shaman etc), DPS with flex heals
TS: Ret Pally, Rogue, Ranged DPS, Shaman, HEALER, TANK
TAHCO: DPS (DK, Lock, Mage, Rogue, DH pref) *Any qualified applicant considered
How to Apply:
Have questions? Contact me on discord Ellsii#6645
Hey there man! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Consider reaching out to us!
Button Mashers (Mal’Ganis-Horde) Currently 8/8M and 8/8H
About BM:
Button Mashers is formed behind the desire to progress at a highly competitive level on a reasonable raid schedule. We try to maintain a tight-knit feel between our members. The large majority of our core raiders have raided since vanilla/BC and most of us have been playing together for a long time. Our raid atmosphere is pretty light and generally really entertaining as long as people are doing what they are suppose to be. At the end of the day we are here to have fun and kill bosses!
Raid Times:
Tuesday: 8 – 11pm CST
Wednesday: 8 - 11pm CST
Thursday: 8 – 11pm CST
You can view our current progress as well as some videos of our kills here: -www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Button+Mashers
Raid History:
Top 20 server during WoD: -www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/mal-ganis/Button+Mashers/rating.tier17
Top 200 US during MoP: -www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/korgath/Button+Mashers/rating.tier14
Melee DPS - DK, Ret, Warrior, DH, Rogue
Ranged DPS - Priest, Mage, Shaman
Healer - Priest, Shaman, Paladin
We expect everyone that applies to fully understand the mechanics of their class.
Please apply here:
Please feel to contact any officer in-game or via discord ((btag // discord))
Rawbur#1853 // Rawbur#9467
FelicisFelix#1263 // Felix#3254
Sovereign is a Mythic raiding guild on the Alliance side of Kel’Thuzad-US. We’re seeking more great players to work on mythic progression content. We are 8/9m BoD, currently. We were 8/8m in Uldir, being server first.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sundays:
9 PM MST - ~12:00 AM MST (server time. East coast times are 11p-2a)
What we expect from you
An ideal applicant will buy us ice cream (or cheese). Beyond that, we’re looking for people who follow instructions, avoid hazards (fire and void zones), and still put out respectable DPS/HPS/Threat numbers. Since we are working through endgame content, a solid gear-set and hands-on raiding experience will tremendously help your application.
Shadow Priest
Havoc Demon Hunter
All tank classes (except DH)
If you are interested, I’d love to talk. Feel free to add me on Bnet at Despina#1512.
Hi Cass,
<AfterLife> of Blackrock Horde has an immediate, desperate opening for a Tank. These are core spots in our mythic raid team and if accepted you will be raiding right away. We do not recruit for the bench
We are a stable guild of 11 years with good core group of raiders. We always persevere through rough times and enjoy ourselves while raiding.
If interested please contact me directly (Tandris#1799) or any of our officers (see end of post).
8/9M BoD - US 200 - Jaina 10% 300 pulls
8/8M Uldir - US 194 G’huun
7/7M EN - US 200
3/3M ToV - US 200
10/10M NH - US 300
9/9M ToS - US 236
11/11M Antorus - US 228
SOO - 14/14H US 305
ToT- 13/13H US 230
Raid Schedule/Attendance:
Sunday: Off (With alt raids)
Monday: 7:00 PM PST - 9:00 PM PST (10-12 EST)
Tuesday: 7:00 PM PST - 9:00 PM PST (10-12 EST)
Wednesday: 7:00 PM PST - 9:00 PM PST (10-12 EST)
Thursday: 7:00 PM PST - 9:00 PM PST (10-12 EST)
Friday: Off night
Saturday: Off night
Leadership/Contact Info
The guild is led by a group of players with typically very high attendance and performance that have been raiding with the guild for years. We’re all very approachable and get along with each other well:
Tandris - - - (Raid Leader/GM)Tandris#1799
Geezpow - - - Geezpow#1332
Amorisse - - - Amor#1426
Thank you for considering AfterLife!
(Pain Train/Zul’jin Horde )2/2 H CoS 2/9 M 9/9H We are recruiting heals for our core weekend raid group! Raid Times are (Optional) Friday Heroic 8pm-11pm With Mythic progression on Sat 9pm-12am & Sun 7pm-10pm server time. We are a group of adult gamers who are looking for likeminded players to help fill out our roster! We also are on the look out for any M+/pvp/casual players. relaxed environment. Please, feel free to contact me with any questions!
- DPS (non mage/lock ranged pref)
- Healer(shammy/MW/pally) WITH a dps OS
- Show up to raid on time
- Show up to raid with food/pre-pots
- Study fights if needed
- Play your class/role in the raid correctly
Battlenet: Slotharoonie#1465
Discord: Ximu#6990
I will usually reply within a few hours, so please ask any questions you need!
Adult Atmosphere|Multi-Gaming|PvP|Discord Req!
Hey Cass, I would be very interested in talking with you!
We are 6/9M and working on Mekka, we have a Huge need for a main tank and prefer a Blood DK!
Add me so we can chat.
Hi Cass,
Who We Are: We are Arcanum and are a 8/8 CE Mythic 7/9M BoD Horde guild on the US Area-52 realm. Our goal is to get Cutting Edge on every tier be top 20 server guild and have a solid family/friendship within our members to go through BFA with. We had a late start in Legion and got 29th rank in server and we are looking to expand and push while keeping it fun and relaxed!
Raid Times: 8:00-11:00pm EST Tuesday and Thursday . Invites go out at 7:30pm so we can pull at 8:00pm.
What We Expect: We expect everyone to at least do a +10 key for the weekly chest, push their own content to better themselves for the raids. We are a very active guild and there are always people on for keys and group activities. Our discord is alive and friendly, you will always have friends to talk to. We pride ourselves in having very low turn around rate. People that join the guild essentially find themselves a new family.
How To get in contact:
Bnet: justinc#1283
Discord: sti#8173
Add me, Message me, lets have a chat and see whats up.
“INCLUSION” (Proudmoore)
Recently transferred to Proudmoore, we are an all adult 9/9H & 2/2H guild looking for more strong players to fill out our Mythic raid roster.
Some things you should know about our environment:
- We do not tolerate toxic or poor behavior towards each other.
- We expect efficiency and performance.
Some other logistical information and points that elaborate on the above:
- We raid two nights a week: Monday and Thursday.
- Raid times: 6 pm - 9 pm PST.
- Player feedback is critical and fact-based; expect WCL analysis as we use logs.
- All consumables are provided by the guild bank.
- Racism, homophobia and sexism are unwelcome here.
- While we are mature and friendly, we remain a progression guild.
Additionally, as a guild we also like to push M+ keystones.
We openly welcome anyone that wishes to join us into this environment, including them in all we do!
We are in need of…
1 Frost/Unholy DK
1 Shaman (Resto OS a big plus)
1 Rogue
1 Ret Paladin
1 Monk
1 Shadow Priest
1 Shaman/Monk/Paladin
1 Monk
Seriously though, we need some people. Please hit me up if you’d like to become a part of our team.
Btag: ArrowMan#1935
Discord: ArrowManXIV#8239
Hello Cass we would like to offer you a spot on our raid team… Here is some info on your new Home