415 Hunter Looking for Smaller Raiding guild

Hunter just coming back from a small break looking for a smaller laid back raiding guild to do just about everything with. I’ve been playing since vanilla and have raiding exp in every expansion. Hit me up if you think i would be a good fit!


<Obscene> is a guild that was founded with the release of Nighthold back in Legion. We have achieved AOTC each tier since then, up until BFA, where a large chunk of the guild decided to re-roll to horde or take breaks. After quite a bit of thought, a small group of us have re-formed and are looking to add more like-minded people to our great community!

Raid days are Wed/Thurs 7-10PM CST (server).

Our current recruitment needs:

Tank: low-- any dps with a tank o/s is great!

Heals: low --Def need dps with healing o/s!

DPS: Ranged: high-- Mage, Hunter, Boom, Lock!

Melee: low

Those who can flex to tank or heals in a pinch are always desired!

To jump right into heroic with us, we are expecting at least 415 ilvl, 55 neck level, and basic knowledge of your class. We are happy to help anyone improve and we have a great knowledge base. We ask that you bring a drive to succeed and be the best you can be. If interested, please reach out to Bubukitty#11610, Assertive#11544, or Phem#11141. You can also /who obscene in game to get a hold of someone!

Sounds like a good fit, i added Bubuitty and Assertive on battle.net. Im Rb1989