Guardian druid/boomkin looking for a weekend raiding team that is pushing heroic and into mythic. active player with a decent io score looking for a new home.
I also have a 400 rogue that I would be considering swapping too if the guild needs/wants are required. server transfer if its a right fit…
thanks in advance.
Hello! If you’re open to faction change too then we might be a good fit.
We are Volatile, alliance on Llane-Arygos and we are looking for a dedicated tank to stay with us for the long haul. We have a laid back raiding environment, not hardcore but we do have progression in mind. Currently 4/9M BoD and 2/2H CoS with raid times Fri/Sat 10p-1a EST. If interested to chat, please add us mabelle#1433 and vcronwen#1282. Thanks and hope to hear from you!
hey mate. we are currently looking for more dps for our weekend team for heroic/casual mythic raiding. if interested, i added our info below and you can get in contact with us if you’d like
link to recruitment post: [H] Ruined Immersion |1/2H 2/9M 2/8M| Casual Afternoon Raiding | 1 Day
server: Zul’jin
about: casual, one afternoon a week raiding guild
times and days: Saturday 11:30am - 3:30pm EST
progression : 2/2N CoS, 9/9H BoD 9/9N , 2/8M Uldir 8/8H
recruiting : tanks FILLED , healers FILLED , melee OPEN , ranged OPEN
contact : tyledrahn#1703 or MakkachinSox#1572