Toon: Bloodymason-Zul’jin
Spec: Holy Priest
Ilvl: 411 Traits: 46 - (47 probably by time u read this)
Progress 3/9M BoD
1/2H CoS
About me: I’ve been playing WoW since Aq came out in vanilla, but didnt really raid until BC. Since then ive always pushed the hardest i could each tier. Some of those accomplishments of pushing hard are some of more fond memories of this game including some Top us 100 kills. Life has been throwing curve balls at me as im approaching my 30s and im looking to step back from CE raiding and do more casual/fun Aotc progress.
Disclaimer: This guild is a break off of our Main guild that has ended.
Our Progression:
9/9 H BoD (Aotc), 1/9M BoD and 2/2H (Aotc) CoS
What we are looking for
⦁ 2 healers - Monk and Druid
⦁ Ranged DPS - Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Shaman & Boomkin
⦁ Melee DPS - WW Monk, Rogue, Warrior, DH, DK
Raiding Days & Times
Tues/Thurs 7:30pm-10:30pm
2x 10min breaks during raid time
Guild Envoriment
We are a laid back fun loving group. We don’t tolerate drama. On our off time we like to have fun and enjoy eachothers company…as we been together for sometime we pretty much know eachothers personality. We want to add people to the roster with the same mind set as us. Even tho we are laid back when it’s raid time we take it very seriously. We are semi-hardcore raiding guild. Our foundation of the guild are made up of friends who like playing together and have fun.
What we want
Our main goal is to get AOTC in a timely manner and when we have a solid 20 man team push the first few bosses in mythic. We will always be pushing Mythic+ keys though the week for gear and will help you get your +10. For raiders Mythic+10 is mandatory at least once a week, the help is there so there is no excuse to not have at least one done. Each raider needs to show up prepared and be ready for progression Flasks and Feasts will be provided. Potions and personal food will be on you. We will not be using Feasts on the first pulls until we consistently make progression for each boss. If you are going to be late or miss a raid you must let a officer know. If real life situations come up and you are unable to raid with the guild indefinitely you must let an officer know.
Alternate Raiding
Alot of us have alts and we enjoy to change up from time to time. There is no set days or times for this. but more or so who is on and down for it. If this should happen it will most likely will be done later in the week or even weekend…if people are able to.
Hey Bloodymason, this is Zulron from the Horde guild Almost Epic on the server Bleeding Hollow. I’d like to talk to you more about what you are looking for and see if our guild may be a good fit for you. We are currently 3/9 M and raid Tuesday / Thursday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST.
We’re 6/9M and raid Tu, Thu 830-1130 PM as a 2-night guild on Area52. We try to keep things loose and as a chill community for our members to do things outside of raid.
If of interest please reach out even if it’s to discuss what you are looking for
Hey Bloody! Hubris has a fun and thriving community consisting of 2 aotc+ raid groups! Also very active with running keys daily! My EST team, Taco Island could use a holy priest. Please hit me up if interested, take care
Hey there! Impatient-Thrall is looking for a holy priest! We are 8/9M raiding T/W/Th 8-11pm EST. If you are interested, feel free to message me on disc Raychele#0227 or apply here: I look forward to hearing from you!
<Revoke> is a group of experienced competitive gaming & WoW players that are looking to push Mythic content.
Current raid times are as follows: Wed/Thurs: 8pm-11:00pm EST
This equates to 7pm-10:00pm SERVER
Currently 5/9 Mythic & 2/2 Heroic .
We only raid 6 hours a week, so we like to keep our raids as efficient as possible to allow for good progression while also making sure that everyone is enjoying themselves. Ended Uldir at 4/8M after transferring servers mid-tier, and we are aiming to get Cutting Edge. Looking for experienced DPS and a Healer to push through Mythic Battle for Dazar’Alor,but all exceptional players will be considered.
Current Recruitment Needs:
DPS: Balance Druid, Elemental Shaman, Shadow Priest, Mage, others will be considered
Healers: Preferably Resto Shaman, Holy Priest, or Holy Paladin, but all will be considered
If interested or want more information, please add Dimpz#11953 or KinetiKz#1587 on Bnet, or you can add dimpZ#3721 on Discord.