4/10M <S E V E N>Guild for the mature crowd. Tues/Thurs Raid

New member here. Wanted to bump this and tell anyone interested that this is a great group of mature, friendly players. Highly recommend that you consider this guild as we’re nearing a full roster for CE in SL.

Sent a discord friend request, curious if you are still recruiting

CE Holy/Disc priest?

possibly Holy? We have a pretty full healing roster?

SL is almost here!

Looking for a Lock or two, mage and a Boomkin

More deeps

To the top we go.

S E V E N is not only a great guild, but it’s raid team is hands down the best raid team I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of, I’m consistently finding that I feel more and more at home w/ these people as time goes on, we’ve cleared Ny’alotha and Castle Nathria together, done multiple M+ keys low and high, laughed, struggled, built and overcame. One of the best things about S E V E N is that Casual or Hardcore we’re all part of a family that’s constantly striving to fulfill the maximum we can achieve every patch and it doesn’t hurt to have a few laughs along the way :slight_smile: Warlock’s and Boomkin’s Come on down

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I was promised 69 Memes and I got them. So I’m content, y’all should join too in all seriousness.

Let’s do it

9/10 now - need more!

Reset tomorrow. Anyone interested?

Bump still looking for a lock. Hoping to be AOTC tomorrow and start mythic progression.

Got 9/10 - getting close to Mythic. Need a few good people!

Still looking

Another bump

Damd is my crescendo buddy! Come get yeeted off a platform with us!

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AOTC completed moving to mythic. Still looking for a good few DPS.

Looking for more boomers who are ok at pressing buttons and not standing in bright circles.