4/10M <S E V E N>Guild for the mature crowd. Tues/Thurs Raid

Yeah i would be fine with that. will admit that our mon-fri activity can be a bit lower due to most of us being at work but i think you will find those on during the day are super helpful/friendly

Hey this is the multi-class returning horde you replied to, sent you a request on bnet and on discord. lets talk :slight_smile:

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Good talking to you. If you have any questions feel free to reach back out.

bumping, still looking!

What do you call a druid who melees in tree form?

A combat log.

You know you want to join us.

I heard the GM gives great reach arounds so I signed up you should do the same.

to the top! Still looking

This is a great guild and one of the things I like about us a lot is we are friends and family before we are a hardcore team (which we are) but for the most part our environment is driven on people enjoying one another and this is one of the reasons believe weā€™ll come out on top next expansion :slight_smile:

Well another week to pre-patch. Still looking for a few more that want to join the our slightly off family!

Iā€™ve been in this guild for 14 years. Sometimes I raid hard, sometimes I raid casually, sometimes I disappear for 6 months and is always welcomed back. Whatā€™s important though is that this place is my WoW home, so if you want to enjoy a competent and mature raiding crowd without having to devote 4 nights a week, we welcome you.


"Before S E V E N took me in, I was lost amid the madness of Nā€™Zoth. Wandering from realm to realm hopelessly searching for a shred of sanity.

S E V E N has not provided that sanity. Instead they have channeled the madness and shown me the light among the darkness. We will persevere even into the afterlife!

Please come join our ranksā€¦ one of usā€¦one of usā€¦one ofā€¦" - Cireana (Disclaimer: Testimony was not bought or paid for. All sanity must be left at the door. Mature audiences only. This is not a cultā€¦or is it?)

Seriously though, great group of people with amazing senses of humor. The mix of casual fun and serious raiding is balanced well. Come hang out with us sometime, you might decide you like it and want to stay. :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah what she saidā€¦

I joined this guild back in March(April?) through the WoW guild finder and it has been the best experience I have had with the game since I have began playing. I have always played on and off, but never raided or truly experienced any end game wow content because none of my irl friends were ever interested. Now 7 months later I have AOTC and 4/12 M bosses down and ready to push CE in Shadowlands.

Not only has this guild provided me an opportunity to experience high tier end game content, I have also found a group of people that are genuine and fun to be around. Iā€™ve developed some great friendships in the short months I have been here and know from experience that it is a guild worth joining for anyone interested in progressing through Shadowlands.

(also you can take bets on how long it takes me to switch my main again) :slight_smile:


one week into SL

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@Spiff 2 days

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Spiff is right on the money. I only joined S E V E N a couple months ago and everything he said is what Iā€™ve experienced as well. Iā€™ve been playing World of Warcraft for 15 years and this is only my 3rd guild so joining and then staying with S E V E N is not a decision I made lightly.

It is the perfect mix of serious high end play and serious high end shenanigans as Cireana alluded to!

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Yā€™all should join our resident resto druid will bake you cookies.

I am coming from a large server, and on that server, no one would give me a shot since I had little experience in raiding, I had almost given up in searching for a guild when I stumbled onto S E V E Nā€™s post here, and applied like all the rest I had, but, this time it was different, they didnā€™t care about my background in raiding, they just looked at what I can do with the knowledge that I had and who I was as a person, and they ended up asking me to join, which I gladly said yes to, so if you are looking for a guild that is full of friendly and mature people, then do like I did, give S E V E N a shot, you wonā€™t be disappointed, I know I wasnā€™t.

Still looking for a few more. Take advantage of the transfer sale!

Yā€™all should join, we have cookies. Still looking for more and filling out for SL.