4/10M <S E V E N>Guild for the mature crowd. Tues/Thurs Raid

Looking for a lock, holy paladin and possibly a few more dps .

Ahead of the curve!

We are starting mythic this week. Come join the fun. Holy Paladins I wub you! <3

Raid tonight

To the top! I have candy…and soft hands…

le bump. Locks…i love cookies can you be my baker?

This guild makes me all hot and sweaty… or maybe that’s just Combustion? Anyway, hey Mages… Come be friends with me. I’m the only one in here and I’m tired of seeing hunter green below me on the DPS meter. I want a wall of beautiful Cyan.


You wanna raid and listen to the nicest possible raid lead? Come join us.
You are in for a treat.
Join us for mythic progression ladies and germs

Less thought out bump but still effective

Yet again!

to the top!

Type here.

Let the Mythic Adventure begin!

now into mythic prog :slight_smile: hoping to get more down this thursday. everyone here has more than earned everything they have this expac and this guild continues to be a great home for anyone wanting to Raid do some M+ or RBGs

Y’all should join our resto druid makes awesome cookies.

We’re doing mythic things.

A few good people

always looking for good players and even more importantly good people.

still looking

A paladin healer +1 more healer would be great!