I recently started playing WoW again and after completing Heroic BoD my guild has decided that it has no interest in continuing into mythic and it is unsure if we will even continue to raid every week. As such I am now looking for a new guild to raid with and would like to step back up into mythic like I have in the past. My character name is Kynariel-Thrall and my most recent mythic experience is 12/13 mythic in HFC back in WoD. I only raided casually in Legion, but do have AoTC from every tier. I can raid any night with the exception of Wednesday nights, as I have class until 10 pm server time, however anything earlier than 7 pm server time will be tight for me. Attached below is my BattleTag so that you can get in contact, as well as some basic progression information. I would be more than happy to provide logs as well as my RaiderIO profile, however, I am unable to link them in this post due to new forum rules. Thank you for your time.
If you’re interested, we are recruiting for {Aggressively Averrage}! We are a horde guild based on Thrall that is currently 9/9H and 1/9M. We raid Friday/Saturday 8:30pm-11:30pm Server. We are a new guild but enough members to make WoW enjoyable. We also like running 10+ keys!
If you have anymore questions or interested in joining contact either:
Bruynh#11854(Recruiter) krkoss#1563(Raidlead) Palm2Face#1593(Guild Master)
Hey there Kynariel - Check us out! We’re looking for a boomkin to add to the raiding roster. We may not be the progression you are looking for but we are a solid group that raids every week and always gets AOTC at least every tier. We raid on Wednesday however we don’t have a strict attendance policy so you could always just join late on those nights until this class is over.