41% player base loss, are you one?

Interesting idea. That would involve the following:
*Remove LFR, Normal, and Heroic raids.
*Remove Mythic+
*Remove rated battlegrounds
*Remove world quests (although daily quests could remain)
*Remove pet battles
*Remove Dungeon Finder
*Remove Group Finder

Are you sure that’s a good idea?

Oh ya, this one is my opinion for sure.
I was referring to other threads.

But really, why would you care?
Are you a stock holder with the company?

Unless so many people quit that there are no longer enough players to fill the group requirements, it makes very little impact on the average player.

Most people just provide anecdotes about their friends quitting, but I struggle to believe any of those players are people who had played the game daily week in and week out for a length of time and suddenly Shadowlands broke them.

Most people who quit did so every expansion they had played and would do so no matter what was produced, because they aren’t in it long term.

THey actually specifically stated they did not include China and even if the data they collected just included 1 region say NA 41 % is a significant decline but they also say

World of Warcraft player numbers fell back to normal levels as the excitement around November’s Shadowlands expansion subsided. From November to January, revenue fell by 61% and user numbers declined by 41% (these figures do not include China). This roughly matches the pattern seen for the past several expansions, though Shadowlands had a bigger launch. Blizzard does appear to have found a way to increase how often expansions are able to boost earnings. The publisher recently announced that it will be adding the 2007 Burning Crusade expansion into World of Warcraft: Classic this year. Alternating between releasing all-new and classic expansions could cause WoW revenue to spike annually for the near future, instead of every two years (the typical development time for the title’s expansions).

I’ve got play time but not an active subscription. I’m very tempted not to renew until 9.1.

Why do people switch toons, change their persona and act like this is a normal behavior. These forums and game really are a breeding ground for mental illness.

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Hopefully the m+ community perception shifts after a while but people do seem to prefer their m+ mages meta fire :crazy_face: Fire vs frost - #8 by Kenbud-wyrmrest-accord,

Like I said I just can’t be bothered and am already timid to face any criticism they might throw at me. I could perhaps find a stable group but for some reason I lack the motivation this xpac and just want to play other games.

I care cause I’m still one of the fool running end content in the world. And as of late, it does really feel empty cause there just are as many m+ groups and etc. List is full of [WTS] for the first time I actually actively seemed out for a add on to filter them out. It never bothered me enough in the past to care.

But that’s a side topic. So… why do I care? Cause yeah, it feels empty. Ain’t many groups in the premise group finder.

Right, and my position is that not including at least one third of the playerbase makes the entirety irrelevant, and also that they have absolutely zero way to know how much direct revenue the game provides the company without the company telling them.

In another thread people suggested that Blizzard did indeed do this, which I am unaware of, so that’s beyond me at least.

But there is no way that these global games can be measured accurately if you are willing to ignore China.
Far too big of a market.
I honestly believe its probably half of the game’s population at this point.


Still subbed because right now it’s stress relief. Might not have much to do in SL but plenty to do leveling alts through other zones and still have some mounts to collect.

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This is kind of my problem. I feel like I can play the same amount of hours now as I did in BC, but I’m not actually DOING anything. I would log in back then and just BG for hours, or run some heroics with friends and have fun.

Now I log in and look at my chore list if I don’t want to get behind on a bunch of crap that shouldn’t matter but does, and by the time I’m done I don’t have much time to actually enjoy it.

I already took a 2 month break in SL and we’re not even a patch in yet. That’s the earliest any expac ever burned me out.

I was piddling around in Classic still, but only started playing retail again during the Texas Blizzard because I was bored out of my mind. I’m already burning out again.

You should look at what BFA in the weeks following Classic if you want to see truly empty.
What you are experiencing now is just what the normal amount of activity the game has looks like.
It will spike again with new patches and content, and drop again 3 months after those too.
Its just how things work with a game that requires this much investment to play.

Since Feb. 8th. Will probably resub for 9.1 and check things out for a bit. What I won’t being doing is signing up for 6 months again.

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You do not know what a questionnaire is? You are aware that there are things that ask people questions about certain subjects, right? Neilson is known for doing that for TV shows in the past. Asking what you watched, for how long and what times. Asks to rate the shows you watch and if you own to watch more. That’s just the basic side of it.
There’s no point in talking to you about ratings, and statistics based out of that company and its subsidiary of you don’t even know the basic structure of a questionnaire.

As to the guild I’m in, it’s been together since wrath when I helped form it. While we didn’t do much raiding, we did lots of dungeons and grouped for quests and alt leveling. So we were pretty active.
The server in on is an rp server known for horde, WRA. So it’s populated.

I’ve come to the conclusion that responding to you has become fruitless given you don’t even have a clear understanding of the topic you are engaging in. So I bid you farewell.
Be well, I’ll not be seeing your posts anymore.

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Well, we’re posting on US forums, so what China does is irrelevant to me as well as many others. If WoW wants to shift to appeasing the Chinese market only, the decline in other regions will follow suit. I’ll happily take the word of an organization that has performed this type of data collection and analysis for decades over a forum poster.

This activity was normal in BFA, right? Are we using BFA as a benchmark? That’s pretty low if so.


There was data pulled from raider IO about that which preach did a video on.

The number of dungeons ran in SL was much higher than BFA at the same time period, but the decrease in SL dropped considerably faster. I think it was like week 7 or something where the amount of keys ran is the same as bfa. The rate of decline was faster for SL. Which makes sense cause m+ rewards are really bad

I just don’t understand how a questionnaire is accurately displaying how many people are playing the game.
I didn’t receive one, I know that.

You do not ask a random assortment of people if they are playing the game or not, and call that fact.
You actually go into the game and try to take data from playership, and even doing that is impossible.
That’s why this whole thing is just a waste of time.

No third party company can ever accurately describe these trends, because they don’t even understand what is going on with playerbase in general.

I am just having a hard time logging in aside from my weekly chores and raid. The great vault is a joke, but outside of mythic raiding it’s where my upgrades are coming from. Currently 7/10 heroic rn, and I have 3 slots left to get above 213? I enjoy mythic+ but the rewards just aren’t there right now.

Have you ever taken a statistics class?

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It’s not that M+ rewards are bad (they’re much better than raiding, for example) it’s that PvP rewards in Shadowlands were massively generous.

This is from SUperdata’s site about how they get their data.

Through proprietary data partnerships we collect point-of-sale and event data from publishers, developers, and payment service providers. This allows us to base our analyses on the monthly spending of over 160 million unique, paying digital gamers, worldwide. We also receive data and insights from major players in the XR space, bolstering our accuracy and coverage. This makes us the only provider to offer insights into the age of personal media using transaction- and audience-level data that is truly comprehensive and cross-platform.

So if publishers and developers are part of the sources that they get the data from . It is very possible that this information about the 41% decrease could be from Blizz themselves.
