41% player base loss, are you one?

If so why? Open thread. I have enjoyed the expansion so far, logging more hours since my BC days (not pure SL content). However I’ve beginning to see some of the issues that have been grumbled about for a while now. I’ve always believed that hard core raiders should have better rewards overall, they deserve it.

However, for me personally I have 4 characters who are in full rank 7 Sinful Aspirants gear. I do not enjoy rated pvp or heroic + raiding, along with a large portion of the player base. These char. have in essence ‘beaten’ the current game. Other than the tedious weekly anima / renown spread over multiple char. there is literally no current content for these toons.

Open thread to all opinions!




In retail. I still have until April. If my friend can convince me I’ll keep playing classic with him.


My opinion is that rum-raisin ice cream is yummy even if really old fashioned.

As for the game… SL is an overly busy adventure in meh.



No, I am really liking Shadowlands. We’ve defeated the burning legion and the old gods and they still managed to produce a fun and interesting game. I don’t get why people insist on whining so much.


I had 1 account in classic, 2 for BC and a third for Wrath. I play on 1, my wife plays on 2, and my son plays on 3. Both 2 and 3 are deactivated after they saw SL and felt it was a huge and boring let down. They hate the Maw, they hate that most things revolve arounf M+ or raiding, and they just did not like being pigeon holed into specific covenants or being constantly told they need to change them for endgame activities above pugs. My account is only active because of Classic now.


I strongly agree on both points. Especially to the rum raisin.


“Anybody that disagrees with me is just whining!”


“whining” simply means complaining. It means coming in here and complaining about every change in the game. You could agree with me and still whine about it.

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Probably because Blizzard lied again to people.

-“You will have choice to choose whatever you want” in reality even if you’re not meta, some choices are straight up completely useless
-“Catch up will be so easy” in reality you have to be lucky in order renown to drop outside weekly quests for you character
-“Level squish will not affect legacy raid farming” in reality … well we got response that at the end of SL we will “out gear” those raids

Don’t forget the fact that people are getting tired of ignorant one expansion rewards that are not available in next expansion. Blizzard needs to wake up and make game a game , not satisfaction for addicted gamers who have “0” accomplishments in real life , instead all their effort is in this game.


No, “whining” has very different connotations than complaining and you should understand that. For example, people sayng that they are leaving because insert reason/s here or Blizz please fix X, Y, or Z are complaining while people who call everyone derogatory things like whiners are whining.


I’ll add why I unsubbed from Retail

  • Game pacing is way too fast for my liking.

I’m not a big fan of how fast the Retail game moves. Both in terms of leveling pace, and in terms of combat. It felt too twitchy at times and that was in low level M+ and Raiding kinda felt like a disorganized mess with you trying to figure out this elaborate mouse trap for some loot.

  • No one to play with

I prefer to play with people I know in real life. I’m not a big fan of internet friends anymore. I want to know the person outside the game. None of my friends play MMOs anymore, and the only one who went back; went to classsic where I’m currently at.

  • Lack of content

There’s really nothing in this game worth doing at max level. I really think the issue with retail is that they made leveling too easy and that there’s not enough down time to do small things here and there. For example in my Classic game right now at this time spent in-game my Retail character was almost lvl 50. Currently on my classic character I’m at lvl 16 and I’m trying to farm to keep my blacksmithing ahead of my leveling so I can fill in gear when I need to. Retail–I never did that at all.

  • Leveling Dungeon complexity

I haven’t started any dungeons yet as I’m a few levels away but my understanding is the dungeons are a bit longer and slower because of the gear and how the game was back then. When I was leveling my retail character I could literally go in blindfolded and not fail, and at the end got some blue gear from a chest. That stinks imo.


I don’t believe anybody here is of that 41% metric, because we’re still actively subscribed. Mine is up this month, I believe.

I do agree with Bellular that the game has become too seasonal. Instead of maintaining an active sub and working on some fun side stuff, I find myself subscribing to get a glimpse at the new content, then discovering I have nothing lasting to do once I’ve seen it.

I’ve leveled all the alts I could ever want.
I’ve collected all the pets, mounts, and xmog I want from earlier expansions (save Legion)
I have no reason to work on professions.

I just need a new game for a long time, I think, so this one can build up stuff to do by myself, since it’s obvious they’re not really investing so much in the casual player anymore.

Hopefully someone comes along on the WoW team with some actual innovation. As a veteran, the game’s just getting stagnant. It just wasn’t something I noticed earlier, while I had all of this old content to collect from.


Agreed across the board.


I got AotC last week and my motivation to continue progressing my characters fell off drastically. Immediately. I’m not sure that has anything to do with Shadowlands itself though.

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Whining is complaining idk what you talking about.

I’m still subbed, and plan to be. But Shadowlands has already hit the wall to where im playing a second MMO outside of raid/dungeon nights or stuff to do. Its loot system is absolutely horrible, which is by far the largest complaint.


Still subbed. No plans not to be.

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By that logic, hating is not liking? Or loving is liking? Ever heard of a thing having various degrees?

Finished TC last week, because for some reason I liked Torghast. I’ll probably head back to Classic and primarily play there again at least for a while.