409 RDruid and 408 Havoc DH LF M+ team

We are currently looking to find a team that can run keys together consistently. The DH (Erross on Kel’ Thuzad) currently has an IO score of 1033. My IO (Esmira on Kel’Thuzad) is 923. We would like to find a good group that knows their class as well as the dungeons.

Feel free to hit me up on btag or discord.

Btag : bootyfordays#1172
Discord: Esmira#0480

Hi :slight_smile:

We’re 8/9H 9/9N LF Casual, PVP and M+ Players who cannot always commit to raid but enjoys casually doing PVP, community and pushing M+ keys.

Add my bnet yrreg4791#1858 if interested.