407 [H] Ele Shaman looking for mythic guild on Area-52


Coming back from a hiatus after ToS and looking to get back into hardcore or semi-hardcore raiding. Raid times are preferred tues/wed/thurs from 6-9 PST but I can be kind of flexible. I can also play a wide variety of healers depending on what the guild would need.

BFA experience
M BoD 3/9
H BoD 9/9

Experience in Legion:
Mythic NH 7/10
Mythic ToS 5/9

Btag is smo#11174

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hey there Smototem! We are recruiting for our raid team!! Our goal is to get Aotc every tier and do as much mythic as we can!! If you are interested check out our recruitment post.

Hey Smo,

RDS is a mythic progression guild we raid Tuesday/Thursday 8-11 est. 6/9M BoD and we are looking for a Resto shaman and I thought your logs looked pretty solid for just coming back to the game after a hiatus! If you are interested in possibly raiding with us please feel free to message me on Bnet @ Syke#1285. I look forward to hearing from you! :]

Hey there Smo,

Revival is a long standing guild on Ma’ganis whose core members have been raiding together for over 6 years. We have active M+ groups, play other games and a fun laid back raiding environment. We strive for CE in every raid tier and we currently need to expand our raiding roster.

We are mainly looking for range dps and healers but any applicants may apply.
High Need:
DPS: Elemental Shaman, Shadow Priest, Warlock
Healers: Priest, Paladin

Our current progress in BfA is:
Uldir: 8/8M
BoD: 8/9M
CoS: 2/2H

We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm - 1am EST. We occasionally do a heroic run on Saturdays during the start of a new tier.

We are looking for like minded players to expand and grow our roster with. Please contact Durgga#1765, Element#1778 or Sextape#1439 for more details.

Hey Smo, we are in heavy need of a resto shammy, give us a look and reach out if you like what you see!

Zephyr-Mal’Ganis (8/9M) is a Semi-Hardcore Horde raiding guild looking for dedicated and like minded individuals to progress content and continuing keeping our chill atmosphere while doing it.

Raid times:
Saturdays & Sundays 7-10pm server time.
With an option night on Tuesdays at 8pm server time.

What we’re looking for:

Dedicated players who are interested in progressing through hard content at a steady pace. We only raid 2 days out of the week and also want to enjoy other areas of the game at the same time. We strive for a strong guild community, and toxicity is something we have no tolerance for. We do a good amount of m+ on our off nights, and welcome any players who enjoy doing the same.

Don’t be shy to hit up any of our officers:
Tuesday#11587 - IGN-Tuesdaÿ
TheAsianToby#11659 - IGN-Voidhardt
Scogg#11116 - IGN-Scògg

Illidan[H] REWIND 8/9M 2 days guild

We are recruiting for mythic raiding. Currently 9/9H 8/9M 2/2H

Raid time

Tuesday/Wednesday 7PM to 10PM CST (Need to be online 15 minutes before raid).


We have groups of people that wants to push +15 and higher, so if you are interested in m+ only, consider applying!


website : rewindguild(dot)me

Shdwphnx : Battletag Shdwphnx#1623.

Nietto : Battletag Mat#11420.

Rawrlax : Snoarlax#1646.

Asagami : Battletag Sasha#12635.

You can apply on the website, and if you have any questions feel free to add us on btag.

Still potentially looking!


We’re looking to round out our healer team, and would love to have a Shaman. Our times align with yours exactly, too. We’re a bunch of friends that raid together Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and do other stuff together on non-raid days (primarily M+ but there are a couple who PvP).

If you’re interested, our recruitment officer would love to talk to you! The healing team is a team, so we got to make sure everyone “meshes” y’know?

Guild blurb below:

Carebear Club - Velen is LFM DPS and Healers. We are a fun group of people, that love to make jokes and kill bosses together. There are a good amount of people that enjoy mythic + outside of our raid times as well. We are a big family here at CbC and strive to make a person feel at home.

Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm EST - 12am EST
Raid Progression: 2/9M BoD, 9/9H BoD, 2/2H CoS
Forum Post Link: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/h-carebear-club-velen-2-9m-lfm-dps-healers/192734
Contact Information: Ariana#1409 (bnet) or Ariana#9062 (discord)

If you are interested or would like more information please feel free to contact Ariana. Good Luck hunting.

<R E L I C> Horde-Zul’jin


< R E L I C > is a recently reformed semi-hardcore guild recruiting for our core raid team, mythic+, and all other social aspects of the game. We would like to rebuild the roster with an active population of like-minded players who enjoy the game. We run mythic+ nightly and will be coordinating normal/heroic raids on off nights for alts and casual players. All are welcome to join us!


Main Raid: Wednesday/Thursday, 800-1100 EST


Main Raid: Shadow Priest, Warlock, Mage, Rogue, Ret Pally, flex dps/heals can also enquire


Organization, accountability, and execution are the keys to raid success. Our team has a raid leader, team lead, and role leads (heals, ranged, melee) to ensure no one player bears the burden of too many roles. Our job is to provide the player with the environment and motivation to push high-end mythic content. And it is the player’s job to be on time, prepared, able to fulfill the duties of their role at a high level, and most importantly, enjoy what they do. Overall, Relic seeks dedicated players who are proactive in maximizing their potential.

I look forward to hearing from you, add me on bnet or discord and lets chat.

PM Acreshammer#11311
Or find me in game on Babayagar