Hello! Go ahead and shoot me an add on bnet. We are currently 3/9M and looking for another beasty SPriest to help us push hard 
<The Bad Mama Jamas> Sargeras- Alliance is currently recruiting for Battle for Dazar’alor
We are a semi-hardcore Mythic Progression team that is currently 3/9M & 9/9H! Below are our raid times and current recruiting requirements! If you don’t see your class on the list and want to apply anyways please do! We will ALWAYS accept great players to help us push Mythic!
Past Tiers:
Uldir 7/8M
Raiding Team Requirements:
We raid Tues/Weds from 730-1130 PM EST for Heroic/Mythic Progression
We do understand emergencies and plans can happen which is perfectly fine if given notice in advance. Otherwise we ask that you can maintain a 90%+ attendance as is expected of everyone.
We will be requiring an ilvl of around 390 and a neck level of 36 to raid week 1 of mythic with us.
We do use RCLootCouncil to distribute unwanted, tradeable gear to the raid.
Our trial process lasts 3 weeks in total, this includes showing up to our Thursday night raids if possible so we can further gauge your skills when it comes to progression.
Doing a M+10 is required if you want to be in the main roster, it is a free piece of gear no excuse when we have a designated day and we run dungeons all week long.
Recruitment Needs:
Any awesome DPS will always be considered!
Tanks: recruiting M+ tanks, raid tanks are closed atm. If you want a free Normal then Heroic clear every week, looking for an off tank for our optional nights.
Healers: Always open to great healers.
Melee: Death Knight, Rogue
Ranged: SPriest, Hunter, Mage, Warlock w/ viable destro spec.
If you are interested please fill out the application below or just add me on bnet
Replace the (dot) with an actual period so the link works.
Additional cool things we do!
Friday Night Guild RBGs!
Mythic+ Monday for selling and getting members their 10’s done for the week!
If you want to apply to be on our mythic team or just join to hangout please add