4 "New" M+ is unacceptable

The announcement that the new expansion will only feature 4 new dungeons available for m+ at launch is a huge red flag.

This is not the time for Blizzard to be cutting content-its completely unacceptable and we really need to voice our concerns early and often to get this changed.

The Mythic plus dungeon experience, is for many, including myself, one of the main draws of the game. We really should expect better from a multi-billion dollar company hosting a subscription based game.

Ideally, there should be the traditional 8 dungeons in season 1, along with 4 “older” timewalking style dungeons. Then in season 2, we should have 1-2 more additional new dungeons introduced along with the next 4 “older” dungeons rotating in.

This would bolster the number of available dungeons to a healthy number and keep the seasons feeling fresh.

Or even if it was only 6 new dungeons +4 older ones at launch with more introduced in subsequent seasons would be fine.

This is really not a time for Blizzard to be cutting corners on content. Spoon-feeding 4 new dungeons at a time does not excite me at all for the future of this game.

Im fine with, and even excited about the timewalking concept continuing in the Mythic Plus dungeon rotation but not at the expense of new content.

Im sure raiders would not be happy if half of the new raid was just Siege of Orgrimmar or Molten Core reintroduced.

Regardless, please post your thoughts and/or like this to show support and lets get this expansions M+ experience back on the right track.


Is this something that’s actually been announced or confirmed? I was not planning on playing it if there was only 8 again. 4 dungeons would be something I would not be able to play


4 Dungeons ?? :rofl:, that’s horrible
Pretty sure fake news


It’s not fake news.


Blizz said S1 of Dragonflight will have 8 dungeons as usual but only 4 will be available in the M+ rotation with the other 4 spots being older “timewalking” dungeons.

Im saying, no good. I want all 8 new dungeons in the m+ rotation in addition to 4 timewalking.


OP, you want the truth? This isn’t being done for us M+ players. It’s being done to placate raiders who whined about farming IQD, Changeling, Scale, Phial, etc every season. It’s so cringe.


What percentage of players actually do Mythic plus ?


I hate to say it but gotta be honest most of the playerbase don’t care about Mythic+ like I know this is a fact that a lot of people seem too refuse too accept especially in MMO communities but most players are casual log in for maybe a few hours a week at most and don’t have time for things like Mythic+ just log in talk too friends whilst doing some of the more accessible and quick content or if they have the time maybe run a normal or maybe heroic dungeon with some mates or via dungeon finder so not really something that they probably would of prioritised especially with everything going on at Blizzard 100% causing cuts


Ok so Timewalking is coming in to fill the gap , 4 just sounded horrible

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No content is cut there will still be 8 dragon flight dungeons.


We will never know for sure because if Blizzard released this information each side would weaponize it to beat the opposing side over the head with it.

Even though you get a lot of complaints on this forum about mythic dungeons, those people hardly run group content.



Cutting meaningful new content to include a feature that we ready have does not sound exciting to me.

Then again, it makes perfect sense as something Blizzard would do. They cant seem to not shoot themselves in the foot it seems.


Have to be honest I could easily see myself skipping a couple dungeons at the start of Shadolwands
 or the whole time. Spires, Plaguefall, and I’m sure I could go without 2 others

Fact is they just went the whole ‘barely scraping by to be as much as recent expansions’ with their content. Like they remarked. “We’ve got your usual 5 new zones, 1 is a starter area etc
” Meanwhile in TBC, you had a bit more than double that on release with FOUR new ‘starter’ zones.

We used to get so many new dungeons with a release, now we hardly get any and it always feels bad. Blizzard no longer ‘outdoes’ itself but just tries to ‘live up’ to recent expansions instead.


There will be 8 new dungeons at launch. The idea with M+ is to only use 4 (with 4 from pre-Shadowlands dungeons) for S1 and then the other 4 (with 4 other pre-Shadowlands dungeons) in S2 so that you aren’t grinding the same 8 dungeons the entire expansion.


27-28% of player profiles got Keystone Explorer in seasons 1 and 2.


Yeah. Thats what I said.

And I think its a horrible idea. Why not give us the 8 new dungeons in addition to 4-6 rotating “timewalking” dungeons, in addition to 2-4 new dungeons dropping over the course of the expansion.

I mean, we do pay a subscription fee after all. We are entitled to at least expect Blizzard to maintain what previous expansions features had, if not be even better.

I know its wishful thinking on my part but might as well.


There is 8 dungeons in the M+ season four are from dragonflight and there will be 4 remade older dungeons.

Stop your panicking


I actually think this is a pretty awesome plan. Being stuck with the same M+ dungeons for 2+ years got old

For heroic difficulty sure
but I sure don’t want to have to remember mechanics and routes for 12-14 dungeons in S1 season and up to 18 by the end of the x-pack.


Does anyone have links for any of this?

Or is it all just baseless speculation and the expansion could start with anywhere from 0 to infinity M+ dungeons for all anyone knows?