That shockingly bad for over all, so I guess 20+ runners are what 5 %
Thank you.
I would like you but I am out. Will bookmark and like as soon as I can but they keep moving the goalposts on me.
Wow, yikes.
Whats funny is I called this a while back lol.
The thing I donât like about weaving in old dungeons during Season 1 is that it feels like a bit of a tell.
Weâre going to get a Mega dungeon, sure. And that will be split.
But then weâre either getting two new dungeons over the course of DF (like we did in Legion) or NONE (Like we did in SL)
S1: First 4 DF and 4 TW, new dungeon in 10.1
S2: Other 4 DF and 4 new TW, introduction of Mega dungeon and new dungeon in 10.2
S3: The new DF dungeons and the split Mega Dungeon, and 4 new TW
S4: All 10 DF dungeons and both Mega Dungeon wings
I hope my prediction is right but it feels like slow rolling the content into M+ like that gives them a reason to not release new dungeons because it keeps the debut dungeons feeling newer for longer?
Just for reference and a view from the other side. I couldnât care less about this if I tried and I thought the announcement was great overall.
I am a casual player. This just goes to show you canât please everyone all the time.
This doesnât seem like a good move. The key question is why is Blizzard doing this and it just doesnât seem like âmore variety for playersâ is the honest answer.
Iâd be down for all launch dungeons in season 1 and and a remix in season 2.
If they reuse classic, TBC or WotLK dungeons than many of those dungeons will be new to a lot of players. Dungeons also play completely different in M+. I like this proposed change as grinding the same dungeons can start to feel toxic. Itâs a huge reason why Iâve done a lot less M+ this season compared to S1 and S2.
2 million characters have done an m+ dungeon this season. Iâd say thatâs the majority of the people left
The important part of this that they didnât address is if all 8 Dragonflight dungeons will be available in normal and heroic difficulties at launch.
If they are not, I would agree that there is more to this decision
Itâs very optimistic of you to think they will patch 2 new dungeons and a mega dungeon.
Maybe if 10.0 actually launches with four dungeons?
Itâs absolutely a tell. I would bet Dragonflight only has three raid tiers and they do this seasonal affix raid nonsense for 10.2.5 again. Blizzard is trying to normalize WoD level content. They will fail. The truth is that Blizzard needs to make more content than theyâre willing to make. Legion was basically a fluke.
You are entitled to nothing except being able to play the game. Period, end. What you do with it is up to you, not up to them.
Or, they could make 8 new ones, and then add 4 more new ones. And cut 4 of the original ones out. I guess I missed this part of the presentation but I am not happy about having to do 4 old instances in a current xpac at launch. That freaking sucks.
The reality is that this game entered a maintenance mode of sorts with BFA. Legion was the last time they had a major marketing campaign and they really pulled out all the stops to push the envelope with WoW. Those efforts failed and subs dropped compared to WoD.
With BFA, SL, and now Dragonflight weâve seen less and less ambition. Fewer zones. Fewer dungeons. More of the expected. As Ion said, theyâre now âcuratorsâ not creators.
That is not at all what he meant and you are taking that quote completely out of context.
Pretty unhappy with this tbh
I donât want 4 old dungeons and I donât want the 4 new dungeons to go away after season 1
Just give us all 8 pls
M+ players donât care about running the same 8 dungeons all expansion, we know what weâre signing up for?
8 dungeons and a mega dungeon split into 2 M+ runs, perfect.
Iâm guessing they either wonât have the other 4 ready in time, or it wonât make sense in the story to have them at launch?
Regardless, pretty unhappy with their choice here
lmao why are you hating on the raiders. Theyâll be hurt from this change aswell.
Donât hate the players, hate the game.
It shouldnât be optimistic of me.
SL was one Mega dungeon ahead of WoD for content.
And didnât the interview say theyâre planning on 8 dungeons on launch, AND the Uldaman revamp? (Personally Iâd revamp End Time but whatever)
I think they basing it around score and 8 dungeons fits 2k io nicely.
Id rather more dungeons. 8 new but only 4 in the season is no bueno. Legion and bfa had way more.