4 months down, and all I'm doing is Classic!

In January I have to have surgery on my Achilles tendon that’s going to put me out of work for 4 months. I figure by that time the tourists will be out and I’ll hopefully be a part of a great guild. 4 months with nothing to do but Classic…I’ve never looked forward to surgery so much before!


Why don’t you learn another language? Learn how to play guitar? Better yourself in some way?




I work from home. it gets stale just staying home after awhile.

Work is good for the soul.


why not do both? I want to learn Italian. I’ll make an alt with you, and we’ll have to look up translations for everything and only talk in Italian


Who was the hitman who took out your tendon?

…And can you send them over to take out mine?


You can always hope for complications and get another couple of months. :grin:


I don’t think there will be all these mythical tourists people talk about. I think they are going to love world of warcrack just like we do.


You’re in the wrong forum, my dude.


Can Confirm! I play guitar and still hate my life. Solid advice.


Leaning a language is borderline useless unless you have a friend who speaks the language you can practice with regularly. And not everyone is musically gifted. Of course, you can do either of these things through shear willpower alone (you don’t need a bilingual friend or musical gift to succeed, but it will be hard).

But classic? Anyone can raid or rank up the pvp ladder! And have fun doing it too! The key to being happy isn’t the search for meaning. It’s to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and eventually you’ll be dead.


I admire your optimism, I really do – but experience has shown me that the current generation of ‘gamers’ prioritise insta-gratification over challenge.

‘Challenge’, in Vanilla WoW’s perspective being - patience.

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There are far more older gamers than young. Also, just because all they have had is instant gratification doesn’t mean they won’t like this new thing called an mmoRPG.

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i was hyped for classic but then they had to go and release it within a week or two of borderlands 3. ive been waiting a long time for that one too and its going to be new

both are very time consuming too, i’ll get to classic at some point but the catch up will be rough

i do think classic will have lots of tourists, hell every game has them and this will be more prone to them

That’s not being released properly till next year. (If you catch my subtle drift.)

Yeah, this is getting really old. I had hoped the market would bite the AAA industry for this, but sadly it seems people can’t wait to pay to beta test games nowadays.

You live in the US?

I’m down, but to make it interesting let’s learn japanese and german as well.

You lack vision. Becoming a star in classic can help with streaming and YouTube. Increasing his potential for revenue.

im going to play it on Xbox, hoping they add KB & M support for it at some point too. Xbox one allows that on any game now, but its still up to developers to enable it.

the whole steam vs epic thing is overblown imo. BL is an Unreal game, i would get it on Epic if was on PC. they played a big role in making the game