4 Friends (all dps) looking for aotc guild on bleeding hollow

Hi there! We have 4 real life friends that play together. We are all DPS and 3 of us of are 175 ish.

We are looking for a aotc-ish guild that wants to raid and do M+. We want to stay on bleeding hollow.

We have a variety of experience with 3 of use being veterans and one new player who we are showing the ropes.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Obviously not a great fit if you want to stay on Bleeding Hollow but you sound like you would be a good fit for us if you decide to transfer servers. If you make that decision give us a shout. [H]Whisperwind <Purple Parrots> 2 Night Heroic guild LFM

Hey hey. Our guild might be more hardcore than you are used to, but we are very active.

If you are looking to go into Shadowlands and slam some bosses to the ground, come talk to us in Fragment!

We are a collection of ppl who have been raiding in the top 20-100US for multiple tiers with all of the players coming from different spots (Pie Chart, Did it for Whitney, Prometheon, Aversion [EU]), We have known each other for years and finally decided to finally form a guild in the last couple weeks before Shadowlands going 5/12M on alts.

All raid spots are competitive and we are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Medium, Holy: Low, Prot: High
Warlock: Low
Priest: Disc: High, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Low, Dps: High, Resto: Medium
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: Medium
DK: Tank: Medium, Dps: Medium
Shaman: Resto: Medium, Dps: Low
Monk: Tank: Medium, Dps: Low, MW: Medium
Rogue: High
Warrior: Tank: Medium, Dps: Low

Progression Raiding Schedule 7:30-12:00 EST
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Sunday (Can be any combination of these days)

Farm Raiding Schedule 7:30 - 11:00 EST
Tuesday - Wednesday

  • We take a few days off after Progression.
  • Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the highest possible rank in mind. We are currently planning to push hard in Shadowlands

-Raiding regarding the first mythic day will start early. It might extend late into the evening.

-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.

Discord: Tracy#7543, Demonslayerl#4843
Bnet: Tray#1125, Tommy#1664

We are still looking for a good home!

What classes/specs are you guys playing?

I know you said you want to stay on Bleeding Hollow, but I’ve got a guild with your guy’s name written all over it!

Inevitable has gotten the band back together for Shadowlands and is recruiting for Castle Nathria progression.

Our core roster and leadership is experienced with pushing heroic content, and our goal is AOTC every tier of Shadowlands: the same goal we achieved in Legion. Unfortunately we went our separate ways due to disinterest in BFA, so we are filling out our roster with like-minded individuals to push into Castle Nathria and beyond.

Current Needs:

  • One Tank?
  • Melee DPS
  • Ranged DPS (Warlock!)
  • Healers

Raid Info/Requirements:

Normal Progression 4/10:

  • Shriekwing
  • Huntsman Altimor
  • Hungering Destroyer
  • Lady Inerva Darkvein
  • Sun King’s Salvation
  • Artificer Xy’mox
  • The Council of Blood
  • Sludgefist
  • Stone Legion Generals
  • Sire Denathrius

Raid Nights: Tues, Wed, Thurs 6pm CST/ 7pm EST
We raid two of the above nights a week on a set rotation due to two members working 24 hour shifts. It’s all preset in advance, and members are online on off-nights for Mythic + runs. I promise it’s not confusing!

ILVL flexible based on role and performance.

We consider ourselves seriously casual, so being fully enchanted and using basic consumables is required.

BNet: Nylos#11610 or Ricochet#1131
Discord: Nylos#2419

We look forward to raiding with you!