[H]Whisperwind <Purple Parrots> 2 Night Heroic guild LFM

Purple Parrots is a guild founded by a small group of friends who returned to WOW during BFA. We currently have a small group of 4-5 hardcore players and then another 3-4 players who play more casually. We are looking to add individuals or another small group of players to our guild for Heroic Raiding and Mythic + dungeons.

We will raid from 7-10 CST on Wednesday and Sunday nights.

Our goals are to complete “Ahead of the Curve” achievement for all raids in Shadowlands and to complete the “Keystone Master” achievement each season of Mythics. If you are looking for a small friendly group to do mythic and heroics with please give us a shout. You can contact any of our officers for more information

Ahdeysham, Battletag: Ahdee#1789, Discord: panther553212#2550
Dargonjush, Battletag: , Discord: jb#7995
Tolulah, Battletag: , Discord tolulah#8126
Silverspade, Battletag: , Discord: silverspade10#3923

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Also if you’re in another guild and needing more people to RAID with regularly hit us up! :slight_smile: Happy to add you to the community or message when we need people!

I take it you aren’t looking for a tank by chance are you?

If so #Havok1494

We do with the caveat that we are going to carry three tanks so we will want people to keep up an offspec if possible in case all all three are there. One of the two we have is a little more casual so I don’t think that will happen all that often. If you want a full time guaranteed main tank a lot we probably aren’t the right fit.