4 covenants, 4 characters

They were, and the same as DH’s coming up, the restriction is eventually removed.

Let them? Why should anyone care what they do instead of just playing the game the way they want to?

These people deserve whatever calamity befalls them.

If you’re not a top raider, I don’t know why you care what the top raiders are doing.

You’re not as good as them and you don’t need to be.

How are you to know I am not as good as a world first raider? Who is to say you are not as good as them? How many runs have you been in where a garbage player made you look worse than you are, but how many where you have a great tank and healer and everything went super smooth? It’s all about the people around you as to how good you can really be.

As for why I care, because what the top players do affects everyone. Someone hits Mythic Wrathion, finds a bug or exploit, maybe just finds a clever use for a current system, aka 30 tanks, and than bamn, Blizzard nerfs. You watch, that will be changed to affect a maximum number of tanks to stop it happening again and all the fun will get sucked out of the game.

You do realise Blizzard primarily balance everything around these guys? MDI, mythic raiding, M20+ keys, the entire game is balanced at high play. Like back in 8.2 and earlier when players were running 2 rogues per group at high keys, you would see even low keys trying the 2 rogue strat, trying to double shroud past large amounts of enemies.

So Blizzard nerfed their AOE and that killed quite a lot of low level rogues who could not get to that same standard, and now rogues are not as used as they once were.

Players look up to the higher end of the game, they pull the big numbers, play the better strats, use the right stats, essences, corruptions, players check the logs and see what is and is not working and than attempt to copy as best they can.

If high end players are running 4 of each character, than swapping out from boss to boss in a raid just because X covenant ability gives a 1% advantage, than you will start seeing lower level players follow. That only means a player who does not truly know when to use X ability or have the right rotation because they have never done what they are trying to do, will only fail.

Those players who fail? The average Joe and Jane? They will be the ones we all most likely end up pugging who will end up making our day miserable.

I have 4 warlocks that will each go into a different covenants. And I’m not anywhere near a top level player. Not because of the abilities, but just because I can.

There are like 5 guilds in the world what would do something like this.

Why change a game to appease a few people who play this game as their job?

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If this was remotely true at any level then why are their thousands of parses from every class in the raid?

Don’t half of these classes know they would be more optimal if they were better class??

They would do it - and start a trend of doing so. If the trend cascades across enough Mythic guilds - or just players who like to play various forms of content competitively, then I think they’d take some kind of action.

I’m in 2 guilds that have players that do all 3 of those and many of them have already started leveling 2-3 characters of the same class in preparation.

I think the big issue will be with character limits per server. Players will likely start requesting that they be allowed to have more slots so that they can keep all of their duplicate classes on the same server.

Cant wait to roll 4 Demon Hunters in Shadow Lands /s

Yeh like the parses on my priest or rogue, crap. Because they are my alts.

Than there are those who are just that, crap, we’ve all seen our fair share. There are those who are carried, those who just play to enjoy the class they are, than there is this:

I was not expecting it so soon, but than with some 6 months to go and nothing much to do aside from mythic raiding and trying to get that last CE of the expansion, it doesn’t surprise me one bit players are already levelling alts getting ready for SL.

May as well plan ahead since we already know balancing that much is not going to look pretty.

You know they are removing the DH restrictions in SL.

In the end it’s about choice, if that’s what they want to do, well it’s up to them.

Exactly. So I can have 4 demon hunters on one server w a different covenant ability each.

Who knows maybe Ill just make 2 demon hunters, one for dps and one for tanking. Then a warlock for range dps and a pally or shaman healer for healing. Each w the covenant that has the greatest power.

Yes and choices as we have seen before that have implications on the way the game is developed, the way some players make choices, the things that go on that affect everyone.

Calling it now, mythic first will be a guild swapping out the same class with different covenant abilities that best suit that particular boss, and when that happens and Blizzard go red in the face for players defying their whole class identity plan, changes will be made.

yeah they wanted to take advantage of the xp buff.

I personally think that most people need not concern themselves what the members of top guilds are doing because they are never going to be a member of Method or whatever.

At best they may get invited into a guild who thinks they are Method.

Your chains will be broken once they realize that and they can begin just enjoying the game instead of worrying what the best players do.

ikr… I actually enjoy playing the game instead of toiling over manufactured outrage

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Maybe, but even now I see players changing because something else is stronger than what they are using, and even see some change back once the FoTM gets nerfed.

A guy I play with, and have been doing so for like 8 years now, plays a DK, I don’t know when he started, but he has been using it since the start of MoP at least and tanking the entire time. Only during 8.1 was the first time I have ever seen him use a different character and he rolled a warrior when they were OP.

Changed back the minute they got nerfed. And this guy has been in the top 10 of tank DPS on the raid logs before on his DK, still the lure of using an OP tank was too much and eventually he rolled a new character.

Constantly I see players roll a new main because the old one was nerfed into oblivion or something else was made so OP it was to hard to say no.

Now moving into SL with no gear gimmicks, instead of farming multiple gear sets, you can simply farm multiple covenants.

What happens at the top does have effect down the line, like it or not, players do like to shine, and if that means changing mains or farming more than one for the different abilities to help in different M+ weeks or raid bosses, than don’t stop to think it won’t happen. If it happens now, it will only get worse.

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Is not just changing to a character of the same level, to get the small percentage of benefit though. You’d need to have the same gear, same anima, same leveling on the covenant system. It’s pretty much impossible because of RNG. And if you want the “aoe” ability for M+ instead of the ST, then how is the ST character going to gear?

Having a ton of toons is just not going to work for anyone unless their job is WoW and people are going to realize that early on. At most it will work for extremely different roles like a tank and a DPS spec or pve and pvp.

As a person who hates alts, I have 4 total characters, each of them is at 120. I am going to hate this expansion I can see if I need to have alts to experience the full story and perform well. I might skip it, despite how much of the other stuff I am looking forward too.

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