4 covenants, 4 characters

Well the thing is we don’t know precisely how difficult it is going to be if you need to switch covenants on one character. Could just be a rep grind.

Yeah, that one kind of feels up in the air. Either they’re going to make it completely trivial, or they’re going to have to make it call for just enough work to feel worthwhile, and that’s a hard mark to hit when you’re aiming at potentially thousands of very different targets.

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At the moment it’s unclear… but for other classes besides demon hunter…

4 alts isn’t a tall order not with how leveling is being streamlined and gearing up is going to be improved.

I heard this a few days ago too.
It will 100% happen.

The issue here is it’ll either be easy to switch covenants, in which point Blizzard has completely destroyed the entire point of “meaningful choice” or difficult enough to stop people doing it unless they get hard nerfed or have a personal change of heart to what they want, forcing competitive players to play a certain way,

capping the DPS is the only idea I can currently think off that will allow players to go into world firsts with an equal chance and therefore shouldn’t need to farm 4 of each

everyone has an equal chance. Will they put in the work? probably not

I feel like this is one of the most backward opinions in the entire world of warcraft maybe I enjoy the theorycrafting side of the game, or what will do good or what will do badly. Why is your way the correct way of playing? I personally have my own way of playing the game, as a guildmaster/raid lead of a ce guild is vastly different than majority of players.

Honestly I don’t even know what this post is about. lol

Yeah, that’s what the word is, but not having alpha access myself and not wanting to dive into streams to get an advance look (especially since everything could change), I’m not sure how much I trust Blizz to get that right.

It’s rare that there’s middle-ground with them lately. Things seem either quite good, or monstrously bad. Taken as a whole, I probably wouldn’t call this expansion monstrously bad, but there are a lot of things in it that certainly qualify as that when taken on their own.

I do believe just out of necessity as a catch up mechanic for latter patches of Shadowlands whatever you have to do for covenant switches might be reduced. But that isn’t to say your choices will in effect no longer matter.

I’m so glad I’m a causal. The air is clean, the flowers sweet, and the sun shines bright and free.


I have confidence in them for the soul reason of the optimized leveling/gearing… seems like they are attempting by design to make the expansion alt friendly and allow certain levels of “Doneness” with peoples mains so that opens up more time for said alts.

All that’s left is getting them to lift the restriction on DH which should no doubt happen as long as DH community is vocal about it.

Yep feels good man!

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Same actually… I’m picking Night Fae I don’t care if it’s bad good or inbetween.


Well, I don’t know what inspires such confidence in you, but I can’t say I feel the same way. This is the same group of people who said they wanted gearing to be simpler – see a higher item level, equip it – and then promptly added Corruptions to the game.

I sincerely hope to be proven wrong, though.

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Just as I said. The Alt friendly mechanics being added should make having 4 characters running - if your super hard core about the game not that bad.

I wonder why they don’t use that for balancing their own stuff, it’s like a chef saying “50gram salt? Pffff salt BAE style is far more superior”, and then we get something like corruption.

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Kind of fun watching min/maxers torturing themselves.


I love the part where in the Ion Hazzikostas interview that players will try to min and max anyways might as well stick to the plan lol!

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Sounds like their problem.

First, get used to it. Second, not your problem.

How bout not and instead they just balance classes.

They don’t.

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Ion confirmed that this isn’t something they want to see. If too many players start doing this, the devs will likely change something with the covenant system.

They already confirmed that they are removing dh server restrictions

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Oh well there it is then.

4 alts isn’t gonna be a big deal then :stuck_out_tongue:

Streamlined leveling… Better Gearing… Easy day. Thanks for that info.