4 covenants, 4 characters

Fort vs. tyrannical week. I run ST on tyrannical and AOE on fort week with the exception of teeming week because on high keys you need to focus on what is more important, and running AOE on tyrannical week would limit the ST you can do to bosses.

Take note when you run M+ on what week it is and you will see, some players do bad on bosses and good on mobs. And some tanks ask you to run more ST or AOE based on how they do their pulls and what they need.

Or a testament to punishing goals in a game meant for fun.

It sounds like you have some pretty crazy dedicated people in your guild doing things not even close to required maybe just because they enjoy it?

Does any of your raids every take bottom half classes?

Are any of the classes not their top dps race?

There are just so many things that go into the equation that rolling 4 of the same class, then gearing that class on 4 seperate mythic raids due to lockouts, requires its kind of silly.

And is the assumption the 2 covenant abilities will drastically trump the entire classes toolkit in these areas?

Because some are available and they really aren’t that nuts. Nothing like TD corruption.

And talent swaps and gear changes are still a thing.

Sure, but that’s not the point. The point is that you won’t be able to maintain their gear/other variables equal as for the small percentage in performance to matter because to do so you’d have to play suboptimally for a bit anyway.

If your guild isn’t at Top100 World guild, then it doesn’t really matter. Trickle-down strategies happen, I accept that fact. In nearly all cases, you can find better performance by simply playing better.

They enjoy strategizing and planning - adjusting and tweaking their team as necessary as they play throughout the expansion.

They don’t enjoy being redundant and having multiple copies of the same class. But they’ll sacrifice and do it to help progress the guilds they’re in.

For progression and fights with high dps/healing checks - not really. The content is tuned to such a fine level at the high end that doing so would prevent being able to complete the content.

Never checked specifically - but I doubt it. A lot of players do enjoy xmog, but they value the greater good of their guilds progress over how their character looks.

Then why do the “bad” specs, classes, and races all have hundreds and thousands of parses in mythic Ny’alotha?

Why don’t these players know they aren’t being optimal?

Yes absolutely, and I for one am all for that to set myself into how I want to play, how I want to look, what I want to do.

I don’t want though what happens in the media (streamers, MDI, logs) to trickle down because we see it now, and with more choice (and harder to change), it’s certainly not going to get better.

Oh some players know, some unfortunately don’t. But sometimes it comes down to “Who do we have available to play so we can start a 20 man raid group?”

I had plenty of times where we could not get a raid started and needed to PUG whoever we could to even start, let alone do well enough to get more than 2-3 bosses down.

Than there are times when you have to take whoever is free from your guild, and they may not be the best player there is, or using the right class we need, like running with players who pull 50% parses at best. Or running a group with 6 priest healers, not ideal, but if it gets the run started, people roll with it.

Running what you want as optimal vs. taking whoever you can to get running are completely different things.

We all know you need the right combination of players to give yourself the best chance (or you can just roll 30 tanks), and if you end up with 4 shaman healers, 2 warrior tanks and 14 rogues, you are going to be in trouble.

I don’t think that’s true - Mages and Hunters have specs that have single digit parses for fights like N’Zoth.

If players are looking to complete content at that level in those specs - they have virtually no chance based on those figures.

The numbers are fairly high until the last few bosses.

This in and of itself is interesting that the pushback has to result to a final boss(s) of the hardest difficulty setting raid before it gets relevant.

Content 99.9% of the population will never see.

A final boss kill is content most mythic raiders themselves won’t see.

And you could probably make an argument that raid coordination and skill has a much bigger impact considering players are fighting these bosses with way more gear, and after multiple waves of nerfs, from their initial clear state.

Even after the N’zoth nerfs - guilds are still needing to use around 10 immunities for the fight.

If the game was designed differently and had less types of content (like in Vanilla) - I don’t think this would be as big of an issue.

But this is a completely different and much more diverse game than Vanilla ever was.

So, if you like one class. Let suppose paladin.
You would make 4 paladins join different covenant.
Then what about DH, they can only be one per server?

eh, venthy demon hunter ability seems fine, i can work with that. Certainly not gonna minmax covenant.

But will level 4 (or 11) character for story purpose of other covenants

Coincidentally - I think they’re removing the 1 per server restriction in SL.

Hope Method and Limit have fun with that. For the other 99.99% of us, I don’t see this happening.

I’ve already started leveling additional warriors and warlocks for SL.

Multiple guildees on both Alliance and Horde are doing the same thing while we have the xp buff specifically for this purpose.

I am not only seeing this, but I am also seeing players now that BfA is pretty much over using one class per content type, meaning 5+ different chracters just for that piece of content to min max to the extreme.

For example warrior DPS for M+, druid tank for M+, rogue for raid, mage for PVP and so on. Players are already taking this 4 covenant thing to the extreme to give them the best chance at whatever, not so much about what class or spec they are going to main, but what content they decide they are going to do more of.

I started my 4th elemental shaman today😎

OK but seriously why though? Is it because the 4 covenants influenced you? Is that the only reason? Or are you just bored out of your brains?