4.5 million and rising fast!

Damn, you sound jelly.

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Id put money on that being significantly higher than BFA at any point after the initial launch

“You think you do, but you dont”


I do not think that word means what you think it means


Hell yes! Classic is the real WoW.

I hope retail dies, maybe activision will acknowledge the mess they made and that people didn’t fall in love with wow from leveling 1-30 in 1 day and tanking 10 mobs at level 15 while being more powerful at 100 than 120


It’ll die down once players realize how much work it takes- that and you’ll soon start to see what you saw on old servers with faction imbalance. Right now, most Alliance on pvp servers are leveling in dungeons, but eventually you have to go into the world to get things done- and the massive faction imbalance is going to empty most pvp servers of Alliance players.

Expect the norm to become 90% Horde on most of them by year end, and those that leave Alliance prob won’t reroll.


I remember someone on these forums trying to tell me that MMO’s are a dying breed and that they can’t be successful in 2019. They just wouldn’t listen when I tried to tell them otherwise.

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According to this website Kromkrush has 55k+ active players…vanilla servers had 3k active players.

Houston, we have a problem.


Only because it’s a 'fresh" product. Wait until 6 months from now and see the real number after people have dropped off.


6 months? That’s not too bad considering retails save all 8.2 patch didn’t hold people’s attention for 6 weeks, let alone 6 months.


You just don’t get it. It’s not a “fresh” product. The majority of the players have played it before. It’s simply a great game, with a design that is far superior to modern WoW.


I don’t know if this is true.

I think there’s a huge amount of Classic newbies in the game, more so than “veterans” based on my anecdotal experience.


Ok retail baby, it’s not fresh mate…it’s 14 years old.

It’s simply the game people fell in love with…nothing like today’s retail game.


Oh man, deja vu…i just had this very conversation with a troll in another thread. Full circle lmao I’m going to bed now.

yeah, its just characters created. me and my gf already reserved 24 names but lets assume most people reserved a name for every class on only one faction. that’d be 750k accounts. if everyone reserved max it would only be little over 100k. lots of assumptions and guess work involved with that 6 mil characters made number.


they’re right in that mmo’s are dying breed but that’s not because ppl won’t play them, it’s because they’re too expensive to make and maintain because if it’s successful, it will never die. a lot of these game developing companies have just a core team they hold onto a few years and then those devs move on to other projects to advance their careers. i don’t think any developer wants to stay on the same game for over a decade. on top of that, gaming technology changes and no dev wants to sit around maintaining a game still running on old technology. the problem with mmo’s is their longevity so game developing companies just don’t want to get involved with them. mmo’s will outlive themselves so they have to ask themselves if they want to continue to run a game for over 20 years before they get involved. most companies will rather make a small cheaper game that they can either automate or outsource when it gets old or unpopular or pull the plug on it. that’s why mmo’s are dying.

good mmo’s will always be successful no matter when they’re released because they appeal to gamers’ emotions, similar to facebook. and that’s precisely why game companies don’t get involved with them. once they get in, they likely won’t be able to get out.

But that would be the case for every game ever then. A new game gets released, everyone loves it, then…you “finish” it and nothing. Also your rose tinted glasses are so red that your eyesight is red too now and you forgot that classic has an actual end.

I’m not a troll, I speak the truth of all games that ever existed. Every single game ever works this way. In order to keep games relevant, they must be updated with new content that’s not from 15 years ago.

As in, you think that’s a lot? It isn’t. It’s less than 1% of players. Much less.

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When did they say this?

I don’t know if I completely buy that explanation, but I have to admit I had a suspicion that some of the developers at Blizzard were bored and no longer felt inspired and passionate about World of Warcraft. Maybe I’m wrong, I can only guess. If that was the case though, they should consider handing the reigns over to people who understand the game.

There is no end to classic, retail ended with the end of MoP.