6/9H 1/9m came back to the game at the start of BoD and pugging has been rough so I am looking for a mythic guild. Not looking to join a dying guild or a start up. Leave a message here or add my btag and perhaps we can talk more about my raiding experience and what not. Thanks.
you can find my logs on warcraftlogs there should be a some up.
Maximum Effort [1/9M 7/9H] is a raid and mythic+ guild on Cenarion circle. We have very strong leadership, origination and strong core of raiders! Our goal is to aim for server first achievements and push ourselves and the team as far we can. There is nothing more fun then breaking into a nerd rage when you and 19 friends finally kill a hard boss!
A little about the group… A large portion of the group has been raiding together for multiple expansions, with me as the raid leader. We’re a tight knit group of friends, always hanging out in discord, doing everything from pvp, mythic plus and world quests. We recently split off from the guild we were previously in to do our own thing.
A little about the server… Cenarion circle is a low population server. But it is far from dead. The server has a very active group of people. Due to the smaller population everyone knows everyone, who is a trouble maker, who to avoid, who to ask for help and who is the trade chat troll. Its a very friendly and laid back server.
When do we raid? -mon, tue and wednes are progression nights Raids are 10pm-12am est (7-9pm server)
What do we need? -a priest comfortable in both holy or disc -Any ranged dps will be considered
You do not need any mythic raiding experience to join us! We’re happy to bring in new comers and show them the ropes. We have people with lots of mythic experience to help out.
Hethrus#1504 or Avi#12246 if you have any important questions Can pay X-fer for the right people.
Interruptible of Area 52 is seeking talented individuals to push for success.
About Interruptible:
We are neither a casual nor a hardcore raiding guild. If you are looking for a team that approaches raiding professionally while maintaining a fun atmosphere, we may be the place for you. We are a mix of college students, working professionals, husbands/wives, and generally people from all walks of life. We are a friendly atmosphere, dramaless, social, and active guild. Plenty of activity within: Mythic +, Island Expeditions, PvP and outside games.
Our goals as a guild:
Our long-term goals are to provide a unique playing environment for our members. We would like for them to enjoy playing the game with other like minded individuals. Bringing together many different personalities with the same common goal will be very satisfying for everyone. This game has a lot to offer and can be very rewarding when you have the right people to play with.
Currently seeking:
Group 1
One Off Tank
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
Holy/Disc Priest
Resto Druid
Elemental Shaman
Dps w/ Healer Offspec
Group 2
Prot Paladin or Prot Warrior
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid
Holy/Disc Priest
Dps (Ranged/Melee)
If you are a great player and your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a shot!
Raid Times: Group 1
Tuesday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Thursday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Group 2
Saturday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Sunday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Hello there! we are a tight group of friends who have been together for quite a while, we are currently looking for dps or 1 healer, we have Heroic on farm, and the first boss in mythic, we also run a lot of keys and have an active discord nightly. We are looking to finish out our raid team with likeminded people, if this interests you , and would like to try a heroic run with us to see if we mesh , please feel free to add either of the contacts listed below, we would love to have you. thanks.
Server: Area 52
Guild: { Rolling for Blame }
Faction: HORDE
Raid Times: 8PM-11PM Server {est} Tue and Wed
Cleared: 9/9 H 1/9 M BoD
Recruitment Contacts: Pickpocket#1440 or meshnave#1208 (btag)
Requirements: 390+ ilvl with at least 36 on neck. Ability to work and communicate as a team to down current content and a positive attitude.
Needs: DPS, All exceptional players will be considered.
My guild is looking to fill a core healer spot to replace someone who is stepping down from raiding. We raid 6hrs a week (tues/thurs 8:30-11:30pm EST) and are 4/9M.
I’ve added you on bnet, I’m jesz#1830 (or jesz#4542 on discord), so please let me know if you’re interested or have any questions.
We’re looking to add more to our Heroic Raiding group roster - we raid two nights a week on Monday and Wednesday from 8pm CST to 11pm CST. Check us out! Add me on bnet - Moonpie#1732.
Hey Enviable! We are in need of one or so healers to round out our team as we finish heroic and start casual mythic progression. I’ll leave my spam below, good luck finding a home!!
Attack The Darkness on Zul’jin is in need of a Holy Priest! We’re currently 9/9H, 1/9M with a 3% pull on Mythic Grong yesterday. We raid Tues/Thurs/Sun 9-11pm est. We’re very active, even outside of raid. Doing a ton of M+ (anything from the standard 10-18’s). The guild has been around for over 9 years and we have a lot of CE experience in previous tiers among our officer core and roster. We’re laid back and anti-drama but focused when it comes to progression. Let me know if you’re interested! I added you on bnet, Kasharan#1912.
Not sure if you’re open to alliance and morning raiding, but just in case, here’s our spam.
Constant Insanity is a morning raiding guild based on Sargeras Alliance side looking to clear mythic content every tier. We are a relatively chill group of adults and most of our raiders either work alpha shift or live overseas. We spend a lot of time pushing M+ keys together on off days and after raids and have a decent amount of people with high io scores.
We only raid six hours per week and expect people to take raid time seriously, but we also put an emphasis on having fun while also clearing the toughest content. We provide food, flasks, and repairs to all raiders and expect our raiders to provide their own pots and runes.
Current Needs
1 tank (would love a pally, but open to anything)
1-2 exceptional DPS (will consider any class)
1 healer (disc priest or holy pally preferred)
A good player with a positive attitude is worth more than a specific class. If you are interested, feel free to look us up on discord or add to BNET!
Stoic is recruiting for Mythic+ and Heroic Raids. We are a community focused group of former “hardcore” raiders. We complete AOTC in raids. Currently 8/9 N and 4/9 H Battle of Dazar’alor. We raid Fri and Sat 10PM – 1 AM EST server time. Looking to round out our raid team. Great community that likes to game together and hang out in Discord.
If you are interested add me on Bnet Willy890#1450.
[US][H][Feathermoon/ScarletCrusade] <Average at Best> - 3/9M - Recruiting a healer and dps!
5:30-8 PST Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
<Average at Best> is looking to push to get as far into Mythic as we can, hopefully getting Cutting Edge. Currently we are looking for a healer and a dps. Tuesday and Wednesday are our primary progression nights and Monday is for heroic clears while people still need gear from it. This is subject to change based on attendance. If you’d like to be trialed during heroic, or have a discussion about the guild, add me on Battlenet at Modeya#1836
We are raiding heroic tonight, and you’re welcome to come along as a trial
About Us:
Rise is a BFA guild relocated to Stormreaver. We focus on clearing content while relevant. Our core players have been playing this game since release and sustained the competitive mindset throughout all the years of World of Warcraft.
Our goal is to create a mature, competitive but enjoyable guild community. This means maintaining drama free raiding environment and treating others with respect. We will not tolerate passive aggressive whining and ego trips. A complaint without a solution or an alternative is not productive. We value efficiency and effective communication.
Raid Times:
Tuesday 8:30-11:30 PM EST
Wednesday 8:30-11:30 PM EST
Monday 8:30-11:30 PM EST (During Progression)
9/9 Heroic BoD
We took a break from raiding during the holidays and currently reforming the guild on a new server.