395/400 Item Level Emissaries: Yes please

You are talking to someone who does this all the time. You cannot do what you say just doing world content. It just isn’t possible.

Maybe it was stated here and I missed it scrolling past the arguments but when does this take effect? At the end of the blue post it says you might want to plan for when you turn your emissary quest in for the update but not when that update is. How do you plan to hold 3 days of emissary quest when you don’t know when the update is expected?

tomorrow april 23

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Im sorry where did he say “just doing world content”. Genuinely curious.

Oh wait…he didn’t. Well thats awkward I guess.

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Obviously you will include war fronts, world bosses, WQs. and the fact that crafted base 340s are cheap as dirt. If you understand the system and how it scales you should not have a problem out gearing Heroic BOD within 1-2 weeks of hitting 120.

Even more once the new scaling is put into place why on earth would i go try to do any form of heroic raiding that is going to MAYBE give me loot that is non the less a 5ilvl upgrade or less than my WQ gear.

Tell me have you ever done this, I see a lot of mythic plus dungeons on that character so I find it hard to believe you would have ever restricted yourself to just doing world content. I understand the system just fine but there are only so many WQ that will spawn a day and most of them won’t be for gear.

Already? :unamused:

Your arguement is that it will take longer in calendar days for a world quest/warfront player to get heroic raid geared than a heroic raider. My counter point is that it takes the solo player much less /played to get the same result.

You also don’t mention that the heroic raider is also probably doing emissaries, warfronts and M+ on top of raiding. If you were to compare someone who did all the solo content every day to someone who just logs on for heroic raid then logs off for the week, I would say the solo player would be better geared and have more opportunities for gear starting tomorrow, all while needing no effort.


I’m glad i decided to quit raiding early on this xpac. I get to be mega casual and get raid-equivalent gear, which should really come in handy for helping those turtles make it to the water.

Agreed. There’s nothing like being 405 ilvl and drawing circles and squares on the ground. Truly gamechanging.

They’re going to have to come up with a new reward system. You can’t hold gear as the pinnacle reward if you’re constantly trying to undermine/invalidate it.


I used to say “We play the patch… not the expansion…”

I’ll have to now say “We play the patch release… not the entire patch cycle…”


No one cares that you got your shield. We care that the people who might be interested in progressing into more challenging content, now have even less reason to do so. It makes zero sense for a reward structure that sees the least challenging content outstrip all other current content except the literal hardest mode of difficulty.

I’d rather they nerf the encounters and maintain the logical gear system than this.

As I said above, we used to raid the expansion (vanilla/BC), then we raided the prior patch and current patch (wrath, cata), then we raided the current patch only (MoP, WoD, Legion), and now… Now we raid the patch release and then have most of the current content get invalidated mid-way through. This isn’t a “catch up” mechanic… There’s nothing to “catch up” to… We’re still on this tier for crying out loud. This is just what the gearing system is now.


I am going to assume you’re trolling this post at this point. But this kind of loot distribution is why raider io exists. Then all these LFR and world quest heros are crying that no one will invite them to their 12+ because they have good gear /while they have completed 6 on time

I really doubt many people, if any, who just do world content and LFR are asking to be invited to your mythic 12s.

I feel like this has been true for quite a while, but Blizz seems to have adapted to it.

If mythic raiders and 2400+ PvP players are 1% of the playerbase like people claim around here, then for 99% of the playerbase starting tomorrow, World Quests will be the most time efficient end game gearing system. That is mind boggling to me.


In all honesty, if this is the way forward. I expect season locked rewards for high M+, heroic, and mythic raids, just like rated PvP. If we’re to have the story being stripped as the reason for progression (Vanilla - Cata:DS), and now gear stripped as a driver, then give us something to shoot for aside from glory points.

As it is now, the only people who still do it are the ones who massively prioritize doing it to solve the puzzle/play with friends (which is why I’m still here). We’ve lost every person who in anyway prioritizes the rewards.


Not for fresh 120s it isn’t the most time efficient. It amazes me that people seem to forget people had to spend time getting up to those levels.

Plus for some reason I am only seeing a sprinkling of gear quests lately in world content.

Ok so you hit 120, you buy all 340 gear, then what is the most efficient path?

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