I am interested in a semi-hardcore raiding guild with a 2 night schedule. I view semi-hardcore as putting forth maximum effort on a light schedule. I have raided hardcore before and I am now grown up and don’t have the time for that kind of schedule. I have done everything from Naxx 40 (Thaddius down) to getting world 44th Tribute to Insanity. I took off when MoP released and came back during WoD. I am currently seeking a guild that fits my schedule as opposed to scheduling my life around WoW as I did when I was younger.
I am looking for something between 7pm Eastern time and 11pm two nights a week. I will be competitive for my position and always aim to improve my own game and expect everyone else to do the same. I will come prepared to raids. Prepared means knowing fights and having consumables ready; I expect this to be mutual with other players in the guild as I am currently playing with friends and they just seem to log in and expect a position in the raid regardless of preparedness or performance(granted it is only Heroic) which gets really old.
TL;DR Old school hardcore player looking for a focused guild of likeminded players who come to raids prepared but don’t want to have to put in 20 hours a week to down bosses.
Btag narcosys#1385