390+ Priest, Pally, and Monk LF Raiding Guild

Hello! We’re three players LF a raiding guild. We’re mostly interested in filling healing roles, but the Monk and Pally are also able to tank. We prefer fri evenings or anytime sat & sun. During the week we are only able to raid 7pm-10pm cst due to work constraints.

My main is a ilvl 402 Holy Priest, I’m an experienced healer with 7/9 H and 1/9 M Battle of Dazar’alor. I also have an alt resto Druid in the 370s I would be willing to play if preferred.

The Pally is Issabel, she is ilvl 390 holy and 395 protection. She’s new to the character, and has more overall experience as a healer. She is also adept at tanking.

Staggerin is the monk, he is a ilvl 404 mistweaver, 409 brewmaster, and 407 windwalker, with sets for all three. He is willing to fill any role needed, but healing is preferred.

You can respond to me on here, but you’re also welcome to message me directly on discord @ Flashley#5597

Hi Flashley!

Crucial is definitely interested in seeing what your team has to offer! We are a 3/9M raiding guild with 21 pulls on M Opulence and are consistently getting into the 6th room with less than two deaths. Not bad for just one night’s progression on it! So I definitely see us getting that kill under our belt in the next week or two.

We are about to have a mistweaver spot opening on our core, one of our holy priests wants to switch to a druid so your priest would really allow her to do that, and we could definitely use more paladins for Opulence once your pally friend is geared enough for Mythic. Our progression raid days are Fri and Sat, 9pm server time. We also do a H BoD for recruits and alts on Wed at 9pm cst along with other activities throughout the week.

I’m going to send you a friend request/message on Discord, but in the mean time you can go to the website Guilds of Wow and look up Crucial. That is our website and it hosts all of our information from our progress, rankings, roster, logs, pictures, events, etc. It also has our application. This coming Wednesday’s H raid is being used to trial a couple of new recruits we already have. If you’d like to come along, please feel free to apply before then or message me in game at ldsmith82#1120 or on Discord at Gracie#3556

See you on the battlefield!

Tis but a Scratch is a 3/9M 7-10cst tue/thur (7-10cst sat/mon alt raid) guild always looking to deepen our team. We rotate people on the bench in when we are able to since we try to combine community and progression.

Might be a good group to join, see if you like pie style and be part of forming our second team.

If that interests you please reach me at btag Dwhaviel#2478