Yo guys. 388 Resto/Boomy druid here.
TL:DR Looking for people that enjoy playing together regardless of content. Willing to move factions/servers if needed. Have raiding (low mythic) / m+ (+15s in legion) experience but need to work my way up again (won’t take long, just need to get comfortable again). Currently just want to work my way up to being comfortable doing keys again, but plan on raiding again in the near future. Would prefer no smaller than a medium server because “medium” servers can practically be dead now (thanks blizz).
Long Version :
History of Raiding : MoP: LFR, WoD: Light Normal/Heroic raiding (pugs), Legion: AoTC EN, ToV, ToS, and ABT - 2/11M ABT, BFA: Uldir: 4/8H.
I took a break during NH and Uldir so I don’t have AoTC for those.
I tend to flip back and forth every expansion and a half or so between healing / dps (primarily melee) WoD-ToV I was Hpal main and in ToV I swapped to Sin Rogue and the rest of legion was played on that. I’m currently back to healing though.
History of Me : I started playing in Dec 2006 and have been around basically since. I’ve taken a couple extended breaks here and there but as of recent I haven’t been gone longer than a month. I considered myself a mega-noob until WoD when I finally started figuring things out (to be fair, I was but a wee child when I started playing so I just never took the time to figure out what I was doing). I found a guild in Legion that I absolutely adored all the people in and had a great time because people did content with each other (raiding, m+, old raids, achieves whatever) we didn’t really care, we just wanted to play together. People were friendly, but we were all competent so we could joke around and still get stuff done. I’ve been out of raiding since about week 3 uldir (when I got 4/8H) and haven’t really done a ton of content because I was trying to figure out what I wanted to play
What I’m looking for : I’m really looking for a group of people that are friendly but competent, can do heroic content / m10s but aren’t mega try hards. People that can appreciate sick humor/foul language are appreciated, but not necessary. I can tone myself back if needed (I’m in my mid 20s so you know… college age humor stuff)? I’d like to start raiding again eventually but am currently wanting to focus on m+ content, but pugs are generally clueless and I’d really like a group to learn this stuff with again to get back into it.
I’m more than happy to try my hand at boomy if there’s not healing spots available (I primarily play melee or healer and don’t have a whole lot of experience with ranged, but will do what needs to be done).
Again, I’m not quite ready to commit 2 nights a week to raiding YET but think I will be soon.
Can supply Logs for most of the characters I’ve played in recent history (at least the important ones) if requested.
If you’ve read this far I really commend you because I tend to be pretty wordy when it comes to these kinds of posts. I just really hope that adding all this additional information will be helpful in YOU making sure you’re finding the right person for you guild and for ME to find the right guild.