385 Raging Tempest set gone?

Now the upgrade vendor says the items are not even able to be upgraded.

How did they frack this up on so many levels ffs?

I think maybe he’s thinking the proposed Microsoft acquisition of Activision actually went through?

Dumb change actually. You have to buy the initial item first, then go to the upgrade vendor to figure out how much it takes to upgrade the item. This doesn’t make it easy to plan your upgrades.

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Yeah! Nice going Pizza Hut! WTH???

This a million times.

I never wanted the blue gear at all. I bought the blue gear to immediately upgrade to the epic gear.

Why waste the Elemental Overflow today if I don’t have enough Storm Sigils yet? I could get a drop from a multitude of other places that completely eliminates the need to buy the Primal Storm gear at all.

Now, I don’t know how many Storm Sigils I need to upgrade a piece until I have the blue in my bag, so I don’t know if it’s worth the investment.

  • Bought a 359 shoulders piece to check, and went to the upgrade NPC … costs 7 sigils to upgrade to 385. Went to wowhead and looked up Primal Storms, and this also says it costs 7 sigils to upgrade shoulders.
  • Bought a 359 belt piece to check, and went to the upgrade NPC … costs 5 sigils to upgrade to 385. Went to wowhead and looked up Primal Storms, and this also says it costs 5 sigils to upgrade belts.
  • Bought a 359 warglaive to check, and went to the upgrade NPC … costs 7 sigils to upgrade to 385. Went to wowhead and looked up Primal Storms, and this also says it costs 7 sigils to upgrade 1h weapons.

Wowhead’s listed cost seems to be spot on with in-game.

How many sigils can you get per week now? I’ve never used the tempest gear.

Its 9 per week.

  • 1 from the “collect 75 overflow” quest
  • 2 from each type of primal storm

They did mention it in the patch notes. And because they did have it in the patch notes, means a lot of people didn’t actually read them all the way through, or not at all, judging by all the “OMG, did they remove the vendor and not tell us?” posts. It also means you fall into this category, since you made a comment suggesting they do the very thing they did. It was so bad that Blizzard had to make a separate post in the forums, where all they did was pretty much copy the section from the patch notes regarding the gear upgrade change, an pasted it, then changed a few words.

Here’s what the patch notes said:

  • War Mode and Primal Storms gear will no longer be upgradeable by trading gear and upgrade currency (Trophies of Strife/Storm Sigils) at the vendors. These items will use the other item upgrade vendors that Valor, Honor, and Conquest gear currently use (ex: Corxian in the Gladiator’s Refuge).

And here’s the Blue post about it, which came a day later: Changes in 10.0.5 to Item Upgrades

How many sigils can you get per week now?

This suggests that it was different before. It always has been 9 per week:

Then only things they changed was where to upgrade the blue primal gear to the 385 version, and then the previous vendor can now be queried to see which Primal Core you’ve turned in and what you haven’t. This query use to be something you had to make a macro for.

They changed it because sometimes the vendor would consume the wrong item.