385 Raging Tempest set gone?

Anyone know why the vendor that sold the epic Raging Tempest set is no longer doing so?


Iā€™m having the same problem. If they stealth removed this that makes no sense whatsoever. Not seeing it in the patch notes.


Did they move it to the vendor with the new rings and trinket?

Didnā€™t see the old gear on the new vendor, my money is a coding issue as it wouldnā€™t make sense to have removed it. When they moved the egg vendor tag, the dev probably deleted the ā€˜vendorā€™ tag from the one in Val accidentally instead of simply adding the currency attached to a new vendor

You now use the upgrade vendor.

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What does that mean? What upgrade vendor?

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Corixian in the PVP area where all the dummys are at.


Isnā€™t that just the Valor vendor? Iā€™m not on right now so canā€™t look. Iā€™m trying to farm the tmog.

Thatā€™s him. The valor/conquest/honor/etc upgrade vendor now.

The upgrade vendor isnā€™t working , I have the storm off hand, it lets me select it and tells me the cost is 5 sigils and when i hit upgrade it says ā€“ ā€œthat item cannot be modifiedā€

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Butā€¦ Why move the Vendor at all?


Because it worked fine so they broke it and now no one can get upgrades at all.


Not a bad change, but saying something in the patch notes would have caused a lot less confusion.

Tell that to people who had their off hand weapons stay 359 while they lost their storm sigils upgrading their 385 main hand to an identical 385 main hand.

The vendor was broken, so the fix was making the gear work through upgrades.

That would be wonderful if the system worked, but it doesnt, it dont let you upgrade

Yep, but its completely bugged, at first I tried to upgrade and showed me the tooltip to the 385, but couldnt click because it say ā€œthis item cant be upgradedā€
then reloaded, the rank 1/2 dissapeared and directly said this item can no longer be upgraded
I tried buying another but they are both the same, without the 1/2 and you cant even sell it back for the resource wasted
Completely broken indie sh1thole game
Nice job microsoft

What does Microsoft even have to do with this ?

Im sorry, but you are totally off topic with that question

Im trying to upgrade leather boots ā€œwaders of the raging tempestā€ and it says that this item cannot be upgraded anymore wth?