385 Brewmaster Monk and 384 Holy Priest currently 7/8M looking for a mythic raiding guild.
Would prefer to stay alliance but will go horde for the right guild.
Ideally starts no earlier than 8:30PM EST.
Post here or add one of us to btag.
If I can get my Monk tank to go DK, you can both join my 8/8M weekend team (Legend). Feel free to check us out! (Our priest is going Shaman next tier)
Happy New Year! 
Recruitment Discord: https://discord.gg/vN2sWsB
My CE guilds: https://goo.gl/87ncRt
Even if we aren’t recruiting your specific class, feel free to apply anyways.
Proudmoore is now Recruiting!! Game Over has a long standing tradition of getting content cleared with the least amount of time involved. We hosted the largest playerbase and the talent pool of Eredar’s alliance. We came to Proudmoore in force and intended to make this our new home, with rapidly bulking numbers and raid teams we host a 20 man mythic raid as our core team as well as numerous other teams throughout the week to accommodate nearly anyones play-schedule. We have a long history of topping Eredar alliance and now Proudmoore alliance content/progression as well as earning respectable kills/ranks in the US/World Brackets.
We push content hard while enjoying ourselves and keeping a close guild mentality of equal minded players who enjoy one another’s company. We put enjoyment first, but never at the cost of seriousness during progression. We take large pride in NOT sacrificing the close knit feel of a ten man raiding guild, in a 20 man environment. If you want a top-end raiding guild that has a close and active community and plays well with each other, we’re the home for you.
We’re a semi hardcore raiding guild, hosting a 3 raid day schedule weekly (Less on farm), our times are as follows : 8:00 - 12:00 (EST) Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday. (More days on first couple weeks of content)
Recruitment Needs
Ranged Dps
High Prio: Mage
Melee Dps
Pro: High
Any good players are welcome to apply
We host Discord/Mumble, Livestream all raids, have videos for every boss and every achievement we do/have done, as well as a large amount of fringe benefits to our members not offered by many guilds.
For contact based on recruitment, OR sales of mythics/heroics, and other varients, contact Nudist @ Sinful#1486 or Tamizzle @ Tamizzle#1456 (or discord Hottamale#3019) directly, thank you.
Hi Raichu!
No Bads Allowed is seeking dedicated members to round out our core roster and push into Cutting Edge for the next tier. Our guild is led by a current US 21/World 72 raider with plenty of experience and excellent raid leading capabilities.
Having previously been a US #64 guild, we are currently 5/8M and looking to rebuild as well as maintain success by smashing each new fight in Battle for Dazar’alor. We are looking for raiders who are consistent, have great attendance, a good attitude and are always prepared.
Server: Tichondrius (Horde)
Raid Schedule: 7PM – 11PM PST, Friday/Saturday
Recruitment Needs:
Tank: Monk preferred, but open to all
Melee: Rogue, Ret Paladin
Ranged: Shadow Priest, Boomkin, Ele Shaman
Healer: Disc/Holy priest (bonus points if you play both!)
Even if your class is not listed above, give us a shout! Exceptional players will always be considered.
If you are interested and would like to find out more, please send a bnet request to our guild leader: Seepy#11342